sellonlatbox Latitudinal dimension is too small
Added by Jay Su over 6 years ago
CDO version 1.6.8.
if asked
-sellonlatbox,15 15 33 33
it works.
if asked
-sellonlatbox,15 15 32 32
cdo sellonlatbox (Abort): Latitudinal dimension is too small!
Could you help me understand it?
Replies (5)
RE: sellonlatbox Latitudinal dimension is too small - Added by Karin Meier-Fleischer over 6 years ago
Hi Jay Su,
first, you use the sellonlatbox wrong this can't work anyhow.
cdo sellonlatbox,lon1,lon2,lat1,lat2 infile outfilewhere lon1 < lon2 and lat1 < lat2
cdo sellonlatbox,15.0,15.1,32.0,32.1 tmp.nc4
RE: sellonlatbox Latitudinal dimension is too small - Added by Jay Su over 6 years ago
Thank you Karin,
As I have tested, it does not have to be
lon1 < lon2 and lat1 < lat2
Could you take a look at the attached file and help me understand why different lat values lead to error?
RE: sellonlatbox Latitudinal dimension is too small - Added by Karin Meier-Fleischer over 6 years ago
'It's possible to select a single grid cell with sellonlatbox but this isn't a user friedly procedure because you need to know the exact coordinates of that grid cell.'
'To make it short, sellonlatbox was not implemented to select only a single grid cell.'
Only if you know the exact grid cell coordinates of 1 grid cell (15.05,32.05)
cdo -f nc4 sellonlatbox,15.05,15.05,32.05,32.05 tmp.nc4 outfile.nc4
cdo sinfov File format : NetCDF4 -1 : Institut Source T Steptype Levels Num Points Num Dtype : Parameter name 1 : unknown unknown v instant 1 1 1 1 F32 : SoilTemp100_200cm_tavg Grid coordinates : 1 : lonlat : points=1 (1x1) X : 15.05 degrees_east Y : 32.05 degrees_north Vertical coordinates : 1 : surface : levels=1 Time coordinate : 1 step RefTime = 1982-01-01 00:00:00 Units = days Calendar = proleptic_gregorian Bounds = true YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss 1982-01-01 00:00:00 cdo sinfon: Processed 1 variable over 1 timestep [0.01s 22MB]
RE: sellonlatbox Latitudinal dimension is too small - Added by Jay Su over 6 years ago
Thank you Karin,
We wrote script to find the exact grid points then feed to cdo.
Issue solved.
RE: sellonlatbox Latitudinal dimension is too small - Added by Jay Su over 6 years ago
Wait, does not explain why
-sellonlatbox,15 15 33 33
-sellonlatbox,15 15 32 32