


CDO - eccodes and Unsupported file type

Added by Martin Perry over 6 years ago


I have Windows10 x64. I am using Cygwin x64 to build cdo from source with eccodes support.
I have build eccodes 2.5.0 without problem with this:

mkdir eccodes-install

mkdir eccodes-build
cd eccodes-build 

cmake -DDISABLE_OS_CHECK="on" -DCMAKE_C_COMPILER="gcc" -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX="../eccodes-install" -DBUILD_SHARED_LIBS="both" -DENABLE_PNG="on" -DENABLE_FORTRAN="off" -DENABLE_PYTHON="off" ../eccodes-2.5.0-Source 

make install

NetCDF, HDF5 etc. were added directly via Cygwin installer.

Now I am building CDO with:

mkdir cdo-install

cd cdo-1.9.5

./configure --prefix="d:/Shell/cdo/cdo-install/"  --with-hdf5=yes --with-netcdf=yes --with-eccodes="d:/Shell/cdo/eccodes-install" 

make check
make install

All is finished without problem and I got cdo.exe

However, when I run it for GRIB from DWD, I got this error:

Unsupported file type (library support not compiled in)
To create a CDO application with GRIB2 support use: ./configure --with-eccodes=<ECCODES root directory> ...

What am I missing?

Earlier I was using cdo with old GribAPI and all was working correctly. However, now I have this problem.

Replies (2)

RE: CDO - eccodes and Unsupported file type - Added by Martin Perry over 6 years ago

I am an idiot. I had an incorrect build in cygwins local/bin folder and this one was preferred over my --prefix one. Removing the old one solved the problem.

RE: CDO - eccodes and Unsupported file type - Added by Ralf Mueller over 6 years ago

Martin Perry wrote:

I am an idiot.

hold on - you managed to build eccodes AND cdo manually under cygwin. dont be so hard on yourself!

and thx for the building example of eccodes!

