Unsupported generic grid
Added by Justin Hicks over 6 years ago
I've been searching through other other similar threads and following the instructions for how to deal with this "unsupported generic grid issue." Basically, I want to regrid an equal-area file into an equal-angle file (1x1).
Here is the output of "cdo sinfon": File format : NetCDF4 -1 : Institut Source Steptype Levels Num Points Num Dtype : Parameter name 1 : unknown Satellite constant 1 1 12 1 I16 : satcodes 2 : unknown Satellite constant 1 1 41252 2 F32 : eqlon 3 : unknown Satellite constant 1 1 41252 2 F32 : eqlat 4 : unknown Satellite constant 1 1 41252 2 I16 : eqlon_index 5 : unknown Satellite constant 1 1 41252 2 I16 : eqlat_index 6 : unknown Satellite constant 1 1 180 3 I16 : eqcells_in_zone 7 : unknown Satellite constant 1 1 41252 2 I32 : eqarea 8 : unknown Satellite constant 1 1 41252 2 I16 : eqland 9 : unknown Satellite constant 1 1 41252 2 I16 : eqheight 10 : unknown Satellite constant 1 1 41252 2 I16 : sigma_eqheight 11 : unknown Satellite constant 1 1 41252 2 U8 : eqveg 12 : unknown Satellite constant 1 1 41252 2 I16 : sqlon_beg 13 : unknown Satellite constant 1 1 41252 2 I16 : sqlon_end 14 : unknown Satellite constant 1 1 256 4 F32 : tmptab 15 : unknown Satellite constant 1 1 256 4 F32 : tmpvar 16 : unknown Satellite constant 1 1 256 4 F32 : pretab 17 : unknown Satellite constant 1 1 256 4 F32 : rfltab 18 : unknown Satellite constant 1 1 256 4 F32 : tautab 19 : unknown Satellite constant 1 1 256 4 F32 : ozntab 20 : unknown Satellite constant 1 1 256 4 F32 : humtab 21 : unknown Satellite constant 1 1 256 4 F32 : wpatab 22 : unknown Satellite constant 1 1 41252 2 U8 : scene 23 : unknown Satellite constant 1 1 41252 2 U8 : n_obs 24 : unknown Satellite constant 1 1 41252 2 U8 : n_day 25 : unknown Satellite constant 1 1 41252 2 U8 : n_orig 26 : unknown Satellite constant 1 1 41252 2 U8 : n_toplev 27 : unknown Satellite constant 1 1 41252 2 I16 : cldamt 28 : unknown Satellite constant 1 1 412520 5 I16 : cldamt_dist 29 : unknown Satellite constant 1 1 41252 2 U8 : pc 30 : unknown Satellite constant 1 1 41252 2 U8 : sigma_pc_time 31 : unknown Satellite constant 1 1 41252 2 U8 : tc 32 : unknown Satellite constant 1 1 41252 2 U8 : sigma_tc_time 33 : unknown Satellite constant 1 1 41252 2 U8 : tau 34 : unknown Satellite constant 1 1 41252 2 U8 : sigma_tau_time 35 : unknown Satellite constant 1 1 41252 2 U8 : wp 36 : unknown Satellite constant 1 1 41252 2 U8 : sigma_wp_time 37 : unknown Satellite constant 1 1 41252 2 I16 : cldamt_ir 38 : unknown Satellite constant 1 1 41252 2 U8 : pc_ir 39 : unknown Satellite constant 1 1 41252 2 U8 : sigma_pc_space 40 : unknown Satellite constant 1 1 41252 2 U8 : tc_ir 41 : unknown Satellite constant 1 1 41252 2 U8 : sigma_tc_space 42 : unknown Satellite constant 1 1 41252 2 U8 : tau_ir 43 : unknown Satellite constant 1 1 41252 2 U8 : sigma_tau_space 44 : unknown Satellite constant 1 1 41252 2 U8 : wp_ir 45 : unknown Satellite constant 1 1 41252 2 U8 : sigma_wp_space 46 : unknown Satellite constant 1 1 41252 2 I16 : cldamt_ironly 47 : unknown Satellite constant 1 1 41252 2 U8 : pc_ironly 48 : unknown Satellite constant 1 1 41252 2 U8 : tc_ironly 49 : unknown Satellite constant 1 1 41252 2 U8 : tau_ironly 50 : unknown Satellite constant 1 1 41252 2 U8 : wp_ironly 51 : unknown Satellite constant 1 1 41252 2 I16 : cldamt_visonly 52 : unknown Satellite constant 1 1 41252 2 U8 : pc_visonly 53 : unknown Satellite constant 1 1 41252 2 U8 : tc_visonly 54 : unknown Satellite constant 1 1 41252 2 U8 : tau_visonly 55 : unknown Satellite constant 1 1 41252 2 U8 : wp_visonly 56 : unknown Satellite constant 1 1 41252 2 I16 : cldamt_irmarg 57 : unknown Satellite constant 1 1 41252 2 U8 : pc_irmarg 58 : unknown Satellite constant 1 1 41252 2 U8 : tc_irmarg 59 : unknown Satellite constant 1 1 41252 2 U8 : tau_irmarg 60 : unknown Satellite constant 1 1 41252 2 U8 : wp_irmarg 61 : unknown Satellite constant 1 1 41252 2 I16 : cldamt_vismarg 62 : unknown Satellite constant 1 1 41252 2 U8 : pc_vismarg 63 : unknown Satellite constant 1 1 41252 2 U8 : tc_vismarg 64 : unknown Satellite constant 1 1 41252 2 U8 : tau_vismarg 65 : unknown Satellite constant 1 1 41252 2 U8 : wp_vismarg 66 : unknown Satellite constant 1 1 41252 2 I16 : cldamt_visirmarg 67 : unknown Satellite constant 1 1 41252 2 U8 : pc_visirmarg 68 : unknown Satellite constant 1 1 41252 2 U8 : tc_visirmarg 69 : unknown Satellite constant 1 1 41252 2 U8 : tau_visirmarg 70 : unknown Satellite constant 1 1 41252 2 U8 : wp_visirmarg 71 : unknown Satellite constant 1 1 123756 6 I16 : cldamt_irtypes 72 : unknown Satellite constant 1 1 123756 6 U8 : pc_irtypes 73 : unknown Satellite constant 1 1 123756 6 U8 : tc_irtypes 74 : unknown Satellite constant 1 1 742536 7 I16 : cldamt_types 75 : unknown Satellite constant 1 1 742536 7 U8 : pc_types 76 : unknown Satellite constant 1 1 742536 7 U8 : tc_types 77 : unknown Satellite constant 1 1 742536 7 U8 : tau_types 78 : unknown Satellite constant 1 1 742536 7 U8 : wp_types 79 : unknown Satellite constant 1 1 41252 2 U8 : ts_clrsky 80 : unknown Satellite constant 1 1 41252 2 U8 : sigma_ts_time 81 : unknown Satellite constant 1 1 41252 2 U8 : ts 82 : unknown Satellite constant 1 1 41252 2 U8 : rs_clrsky 83 : unknown Satellite constant 1 1 41252 2 U8 : rs 84 : unknown Satellite constant 1 1 41252 2 I16 : snoice 85 : unknown Satellite constant 1 1 41252 2 U8 : airtemp 86 : unknown Satellite constant 16 2 41252 2 U8 : temp_profile 87 : unknown Satellite constant 1 1 41252 2 U8 : tmax 88 : unknown Satellite constant 1 1 41252 2 U8 : ttrop 89 : unknown Satellite constant 1 1 41252 2 U8 : psurf 90 : unknown Satellite constant 1 1 41252 2 U8 : pmaxt 91 : unknown Satellite constant 1 1 41252 2 U8 : ptrop 92 : unknown Satellite constant 1 1 41252 2 U8 : rh_nearsurf 93 : unknown Satellite constant 16 3 41252 2 U8 : rh_profile 94 : unknown Satellite constant 1 1 41252 2 U8 : rhmaxt 95 : unknown Satellite constant 1 1 41252 2 U8 : rhtrop 96 : unknown Satellite constant 1 1 41252 2 U8 : ozone Grid coordinates : 1 : generic : points=12 2 : generic : points=41252 3 : generic : points=180 4 : generic : points=256 5 : generic : points=412520 (41252x10) cldbin : 5 to 95 by 10 percent 6 : generic : points=123756 (41252x3) 7 : generic : points=742536 (41252x18) Vertical coordinates : 1 : surface : levels=1 2 : pressure : levels=16 levtmp : 900 to 10 hPa 3 : pressure : levels=16 levrh : 900 to 10 hPa
It seems that each of the variables have this generic grid, so I cannot use the "selvar" option to pick only the variables I need.
Here's what I've tried so far:
ncatted -a coordinates,ts,o,c,"lon lat" ISCCP.HGM.v01r00.GLOBAL.2012.12.99.9999.GPC.10KM.CS00.EQ1.00.nc tmp.nc
To generate the needed weights:
cdo genbil,r360x180 tmp.nc weights cdo genbil: Started child process "selvar,ts tmp.nc (pipe1.1)". Warning (define_all_grids) : Unsupported array structure, skipped variable ts! cdo(2) selname (Warning): Variable name ts not found! cdo(2) selname (Abort): No variables selected!
I cannot seem to get around this "unsupported array structure" error. I'll attach the data file to this post.
Replies (4)
RE: Unsupported generic grid - Added by Karin Meier-Fleischer over 6 years ago
Hi Justin,
I've played a little bit with your data but can't solve the problem.
The data file doesn't contain the appropriate coordinate variables for ts(eqcell).
lat and lon can't be correct because
lon = 360
lat = 180
eqcell = 41252
I would expect that eqlon(eqcell) which is "Center longitude of equal-area cell" and eqlat(eqcell) which is "Center latitude of equal-area cell" should be used instead.
The next problem is that the coordinate variables are of type float but have to be of type double. With NCO's ncap2 you can change the type of eqlon and eqlat.
ncap2 -O -s 'eqlat=double(eqlat)' ISCCP.HGM.v01r00.GLOBAL.2012.12.99.9999.GPC.10KM.CS00.EQ1.00.nc tmp1.nc ncap2 -O -s 'eqlon=double(eqlon)' tmp1.nc tmp2.nc
Than add the correct coordinates attribute to the variable ts.
ncatted -O -a coordinates,ts,c,c,"eqlon eqlat" tmp2.nc tmp3.nc
Select the variable and its related coordinate variables.
cdo -selvar,ts tmp3.nc ts.nc
Compute the weights - nearest neighbor method. Note: you can't use genbil because 'Bilinear/bicubic interpolation doesn't support unstructured source grids!'.
cdo gennn,r360x180 ts.nc weights.nc
Regrid the variable ts to the r360x180.
cdo remap,r360x180,weights.nc ts.nc ts_r360x180.nc
ncdump -h ts_r360x180.nc
netcdf ts_r360x180 { dimensions: lon = 360 ; lat = 180 ; variables: float lon(lon) ; lon:standard_name = "longitude" ; lon:long_name = "longitude" ; lon:units = "degrees_east" ; lon:axis = "X" ; float lat(lat) ; lat:standard_name = "latitude" ; lat:long_name = "latitude" ; lat:units = "degrees_north" ; lat:axis = "Y" ; ubyte ts(lat, lon) ; ts:long_name = "Mean surface skin temperature" ; ts:units = "count" ; ts:_FillValue = 255UB ; ts:missing_value = 255UB ; ts:conversion_table = "tmptab" ; ...
RE: Unsupported generic grid - Added by Justin Hicks over 6 years ago
I was able to change the type of eqlon and eqlat to double using NCO. I also added the coordinates attribute using ncatted and then used the 'selvar' command to choose only the variable "ts." However, when I go to generate the weights, I have the same issue:
cdo gennn,r360x180 ts.nc weights.nc cdo gennn (Abort): Variable ts has an unsupported generic grid!
Here's the output of ncdump -h ts.nc:
netcdf ts { dimensions: eqcell = 41252 ; variables: ubyte ts(eqcell) ; ts:long_name = "Mean surface skin temperature" ; ts:units = "count" ; ts:_FillValue = 255UB ; ts:missing_value = 255UB ; ts:conversion_table = "tmptab" ; ts:description = "Grid cell average surface skin temperature for clear pixels detected by both IR and VIS (IR at night) thresholds and using actual surface emissivity, more cloud-contaminated than ts_clrsky" ; // global attributes: :CDI = "Climate Data Interface version 1.7.2 (http://mpimet.mpg.de/cdi)" ; :history = "Tue Jul 24 17:55:30 2018: cdo -selvar,ts,eqlon,eqlat tmp3.nc ts.nc\nTue Jul 24 17:37:11 2018: ncatted -O -a coordinates,ts,c,c,eqlon eqlat tmp2.nc tmp3.nc\nTue Jul 24 17:31:13 2018: ncap -O -s eqlon=double(eqlon) tmp1.nc tmp2.nc\nTue Jul 24 17:27:27 2018: ncap -O -s eqlat=double(eqlat) ISCCP.HGM.v01r00.GLOBAL.2012.12.99.9999.GPC.10KM.CS00.EQ1.00.nc tmp1.nc\nWed Feb 21 20:46:51 2018: ncatted -O -a isccp_input_files,global,o,c,d2/ISCCP.HGH.v01r00.GLOBAL.2012.12.99.0000.GPC.10KM.CS00.EQ1.00.nc, d2/ISCCP.HGH.v01r00.GLOBAL.2012.12.99.0300.GPC.10KM.CS00.EQ1.00.nc, d2/ISCCP.HGH.v01r00.GLOBAL.2012.12.99.0600.GPC.10KM.CS00.EQ1.00.nc, d2/ISCCP.HGH.v01r00.GLOBAL.2012.12.99.0900.GPC.10KM.CS00.EQ1.00.nc, d2/ISCCP.HGH.v01r00.GLOBAL.2012.12.99.1200.GPC.10KM.CS00.EQ1.00.nc, d2/ISCCP.HGH.v01r00.GLOBAL.2012.12.99.1500.GPC.10KM.CS00.EQ1.00.nc, d2/ISCCP.HGH.v01r00.GLOBAL.2012.12.99.1800.GPC.10KM.CS00.EQ1.00.nc, d2/ISCCP.HGH.v01r00.GLOBAL.2012.12.99.2100.GPC.10KM.CS00.EQ1.00.nc, ISCCP.HGM.v01r00.GLOBAL.2012.12.99.9999.GPC.10KM.CS00.EQ1.00.nc\nWed Feb 21 20:46:51 2018: ncatted -O -a id,global,o,c,ISCCP.HGM.v01r00.GLOBAL.2012.12.99.9999.GPC.10KM.CS00.EQ1.00.nc ISCCP.HGM.v01r00.GLOBAL.2012.12.99.9999.GPC.10KM.CS00.EQ1.00.nc\nWed Feb 21 20:46:51 2018: ncatted -O -a product_version,global,o,c,v01r00, ISCCP.HGM.v01r00.GLOBAL.2012.12.99.9999.GPC.10KM.CS00.EQ1.00.nc\nWed Feb 21 20:46:50 2018: ncatted -a date_issued,global,d,, ISCCP.HGM.v01r00.GLOBAL.2012.12.99.9999.GPC.10KM.CS00.EQ1.00.nc\n2018-02-06T21:21:03.000Z bhankins d2prodc /snfs2/isccp-p/prd/wrkdirs/2012_12 2012 12" ; :source = "Satellite Observations" ; :institution = "NOAA National Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI)" ; :Conventions = "CF-1.6, ACDD-1.3" ; :title = "International Satellite Cloud Climatology Project Gridded Monthly Mean data -- ISCCP HGM" ; :summary = "The HGM product represents the monthly mean of the eight hourly-monthly mean HGH files, reported on a 1. degree equal area grid. Data reported include scene identification, cloud amounts, cloud frequency, mean cloud properties, cloud type properties, surface properties and atmospheric profiles." ; :keywords = "EARTH SCIENCE > ATMOSPHERE > ATMOSPHERIC CHEMISTRY > OXYGEN COMPOUNDS > OZONE, EARTH SCIENCE > ATMOSPHERE > ATMOSPHERIC PRESSURE > SURFACE PRESSURE, EARTH SCIENCE > ATMOSPHERE > ATMOSPHERIC TEMPERATURE, EARTH SCIENCE > ATMOSPHERE > ATMOSPHERIC TEMPERATURE > SURFACE TEMPERATURE > AIR TEMPERATURE, EARTH SCIENCE > ATMOSPHERE > ATMOSPHERIC TEMPERATURE > SURFACE TEMPERATURE > SKIN TEMPERATURE, EARTH SCIENCE > ATMOSPHERE > ATMOSPHERIC TEMPERATURE > UPPER AIR TEMPERATURE > VERTICAL PROFILES, EARTH SCIENCE > ATMOSPHERE > ATMOSPHERIC WATER VAPOR, EARTH SCIENCE > ATMOSPHERE > ATMOSPHERIC WATER VAPOR > HUMIDITY, EARTH SCIENCE > ATMOSPHERE > ATMOSPHERIC WATER VAPOR > WATER VAPOR PROFILES, EARTH SCIENCE > ATMOSPHERE > CLOUDS, EARTH SCIENCE > ATMOSPHERE > CLOUDS > CLOUD MICROPHYSICS > CLOUD LIQUID WATER/ICE, EARTH SCIENCE > ATMOSPHERE > CLOUDS > CLOUD MICROPHYSICS > CLOUD OPTICAL DEPTH/THICKNESS, EARTH SCIENCE > ATMOSPHERE > CLOUDS > CLOUD PROPERTIES, EARTH SCIENCE > ATMOSPHERE > CLOUDS > CLOUD PROPERTIES > CLOUD FRACTION, EARTH SCIENCE > ATMOSPHERE > CLOUDS > CLOUD PROPERTIES > CLOUD FREQUENCY, EARTH SCIENCE > ATMOSPHERE > CLOUDS > CLOUD PROPERTIES > CLOUD TOP PRESSURE, EARTH SCIENCE > ATMOSPHERE > CLOUDS > CLOUD PROPERTIES > CLOUD TOP TEMPERATURE, EARTH SCIENCE > ATMOSPHERE > CLOUDS > CLOUD PROPERTIES > CLOUD VERTICAL DISTRIBUTION, EARTH SCIENCE > ATMOSPHERE > CLOUDS > CLOUD TYPES, EARTH SCIENCE > CRYOSPHERE > SNOW/ICE, EARTH SCIENCE > LAND SURFACE > SURFACE RADIATIVE PROPERTIES, EARTH SCIENCE > LAND SURFACE > SURFACE RADIATIVE PROPERTIES > REFLECTANCE, EARTH SCIENCE > LAND SURFACE > SURFACE THERMAL PROPERTIES, EARTH SCIENCE > LAND SURFACE > SURFACE THERMAL PROPERTIES > SKIN TEMPERATURE, EARTH SCIENCE > LAND SURFACE > TOPOGRAPHY > TERRAIN ELEVATION, EARTH SCIENCE > OCEANS > OCEAN TEMPERATURE > SEA SURFACE TEMPERATURE" ; :keywords_vocabulary = "NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) Science Keyword Version 8.1" ; :platform_vocabulary = "NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) Platforms Keyword Version 8.1" ; :instrument_vocabulary = "NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) Instruments Keywords Version 8.1" ; :processing_level = "3" ; :cdm_data_type = "Grid" ; :metadata_link = "gov.noaa.ncdc.C00956" ; :naming_authority = "gov.noaa.ncdc" ; :project = "International Satellite Cloud Climatology Project (ISCCP)" ; :program = "NOAA Climate Data Record Program for satellites, FY 2016" ; :acknowledgement = "This project received funding support from NASA REASON PROGRAM, NASA MEASURES PROGRAM and NOAA CLIMATE DATA RECORD (CDR) PROGRAM" ; :license = "No constraints on data access or use." ; :contributor_name = "William B. Rossow, Alison Walker, Violeta Golea, NOAA, EUMETSAT, ESA, JP/JMA, CHINA/CMA, BR/INPE, NASA" ; :contributor_role = "principalInvestigator, processor, resourceProvider, resourceProvider, resourceProvider, resourceProvider, resourceProvider, resourceProvider, resourceProvider" ; :creator_name = "NOAA National Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI); Ken Knapp, Bill Hankins, Alisa Young, Anand Inamdar" ; :creator_email = "ncdc.isccp.team@noaa.gov" ; :creator_url = "http://www.ncei.noaa.gov" ; :creator_type = "institution" ; :creator_institution = "NOAA National Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI)" ; :publisher_name = "NOAA National Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI)" ; :publisher_email = "ncdc.isccp.team@noaa.gov" ; :publisher_url = "http://www.ncei.noaa.gov" ; :publisher_type = "institution" ; :publisher_institution = "NOAA National Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI)" ; :references = "\'Please include a citation for this paper in addition to the dataset citation when using the dataset: Rossow, W.B. and R.A. Schiffer, 1999: Advances in understanding clouds from ISCCP. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 80, 2261-2287. doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.1175/1520-0477(1999)080<2261:AIUCFI>2.0.CO;2\',\'ISCCP CDR Climate Algorithm Theoretical Basis Document (C-ATBD)\'" ; :comment = "---------- TO RE-MAP EQUAL-AREA MAP TO EQUAL-ANGLE (SQUARE LON,LAT) MAP ---------- For display purposes, the ISCCP equal-area map may be converted to an equal-angle map using replication. The variables \'eqlat_index\', \'sqlon_beg\' and \'sqlon_end\'are provided for this purpose. Each equal-area cell is replicated into a specific range of longitude cells in the equal-angle map. For example, to remap an equal-area array eqvar[41252] to an equal-angle array sqmap[360,180], each eqvar[i] should be replicated into the range of cells indicated by sqlon_beg[i] and sqlon_end[i], and the lat index eqlat_index[i]. Using Fortran notation the assignment is: sqmap[sqlon_beg[i]:sqlon_end[i], eqlat_index[i]] = eqvar[i]. ---------- TO CONVERT COUNT UNITS TO PHYSICAL UNITS ---------- When attribute conversion_table is present for any variable, the reported values of count units may be converted to physical quantities by using the specified conversion table variable as a look-up table whose index is count value 0-255. For example, temperature = tmptab(count), temperature_variance = tmpvar(count), pressure = pretab(count), reflectance = rfltab(count), optical_depth = tautab(count), ozone = ozntab(count), humidity = humtab(count), water_path = wpatab(count). ---------- DEFINITION OF CLOUD TYPES ---------- VIS/IR cloud types are defined by a histogram of cloud top pressure and cloud optical depth, for both liquid and ice clouds. IR cloud types are defined by a histogram of cloud top pressure. Identification labels for the 18 VIS/IR cloud types and the 3 IR cloud types are given in the \'cloud_type_label\' and \'cloud_irtype_label\' variables, which correspond to the order of the cloud type variable arrays." ; :date_created = "2018-02-06T21:21:03.000Z" ; :date_modified = "2018-02-06T21:21:03.000Z" ; :date_metadata_modified = "2018-02-06T21:21:03.000Z" ; :time_coverage_start = "2012-12-01" ; :time_coverage_end = "2012-12-31" ; :time_coverage_duration = "P1M" ; :time_coverage_resolution = "P1M" ; :geospatial_bounds = "POLYGON((-90.0 0.0, -90.0 360.0, 90.0 360.0, 90.0 0.0, -90.0 0.0))" ; :geospatial_bounds_crs = "EPSG:4326" ; :geospatial_lat_min = "-90.0" ; :geospatial_lat_max = "+90.0" ; :geospatial_lat_units = "degrees_north" ; :geospatial_lat_resolution = "1.0" ; :geospatial_lon_min = "0.0" ; :geospatial_lon_max = "360.0" ; :geospatial_lon_units = "degrees_east" ; :geospatial_lon_resolution = "1.0 at equator, varies with latitude" ; :geospatial_vertical_min = "10" ; :geospatial_vertical_max = "1025" ; :geospatial_vertical_units = "hPa" ; :geospatial_vertical_positive = "down" ; :isccp_year = 12 ; :isccp_month = 12 ; :isccp_gmt = 9999 ; :isccp_percent_full_cells = 100 ; :isccp_percent_empty_cells = 0 ; :isccp_number_of_satellites_contributing = 7 ; :platform = "MTS-1, METEOSAT-9, GOES-15, GOES-13, METEOSAT-7, NOAA-18, METOP-A" ; :instrument = "JAMI, SEVIRI, GOES-15 Imager, GOES-13 Imager, MVIRI, AVHRR-3, AVHRR-3" ; :product_version = "v01r00," ; :id = "ISCCP.HGM.v01r00.GLOBAL.2012.12.99.9999.GPC.10KM.CS00.EQ1.00.nc" ; :isccp_input_files = "d2/ISCCP.HGH.v01r00.GLOBAL.2012.12.99.0000.GPC.10KM.CS00.EQ1.00.nc, d2/ISCCP.HGH.v01r00.GLOBAL.2012.12.99.0300.GPC.10KM.CS00.EQ1.00.nc, d2/ISCCP.HGH.v01r00.GLOBAL.2012.12.99.0600.GPC.10KM.CS00.EQ1.00.nc, d2/ISCCP.HGH.v01r00.GLOBAL.2012.12.99.0900.GPC.10KM.CS00.EQ1.00.nc, d2/ISCCP.HGH.v01r00.GLOBAL.2012.12.99.1200.GPC.10KM.CS00.EQ1.00.nc, d2/ISCCP.HGH.v01r00.GLOBAL.2012.12.99.1500.GPC.10KM.CS00.EQ1.00.nc, d2/ISCCP.HGH.v01r00.GLOBAL.2012.12.99.1800.GPC.10KM.CS00.EQ1.00.nc, d2/ISCCP.HGH.v01r00.GLOBAL.2012.12.99.2100.GPC.10KM.CS00.EQ1.00.nc," ; :NCO = "\"4.6.1\"" ; :CDO = "Climate Data Operators version 1.7.2 (http://mpimet.mpg.de/cdo)" ;
I noticed that the "coordinates" attribute is no longer present after I used the "selvar" function.
I did use the ncap command rather than the ncap2 command (couldn't get it working) when changing the type of eqlon and eqlat from float to double, but I don't think this would cause this issue.
RE: Unsupported generic grid - Added by Karin Meier-Fleischer over 6 years ago
I suggest the problem appears because you use ncap instead of ncap2 (ncap is deprecated since 2008) and maybe an old version of CDO, too. Which version of CDO are you using (cdo -V)? I'm using CDO version 1.9.2.
ncap2 -O -s 'eqlat=double(eqlat)' ISCCP.HGM.v01r00.GLOBAL.2012.12.99.9999.GPC.10KM.CS00.EQ1.00.nc tmp1.nc ncap2 -O -s 'eqlon=double(eqlon)' tmp1.nc tmp2.nc
ncdump -h tmp2.nc
netcdf tmp2 { dimensions: eqcell = 41252 ; edge = 2 ; label_len = 80 ; satid_len = 4 ; satname_len = 20 ; satpos = 12 ; eqzone = 180 ; lon = 360 ; lat = 180 ; cldbin = 10 ; levtmp = 16 ; levrh = 16 ; cloud_irtype = 3 ; cloud_type = 18 ; count = 256 ; variables: double eqlon(eqcell) ; eqlon:long_name = "Center longitude of equal-area cell" ; eqlon:units = "degrees_east" ; eqlon:valid_max = 360. ; eqlon:valid_min = 0. ; double eqlat(eqcell) ; eqlat:long_name = "Center latitude of equal-area cell" ; eqlat:units = "degrees_north" ; eqlat:valid_max = 90. ; eqlat:valid_min = -90. ; ...
ncatted -O -a coordinates,ts,c,c,"eqlon eqlat" tmp2.nc tmp3.nc
ncdump -h tmp3.nc
... ubyte ts(eqcell) ; ts:long_name = "Mean surface skin temperature" ; ts:units = "count" ; ts:valid_min = 0 ; ts:valid_max = 254 ; ts:_FillValue = 255UB ; ts:conversion_table = "tmptab" ; ts:description = "Grid cell average surface skin temperature for clear pixels detected by both IR and VIS (IR at night) thresholds and using actual surface emissivity, more cloud-contaminated than ts_clrsky" ; ts:coordinates = "eqlon eqlat" ; ...
cdo -selvar,ts tmp3.nc ts.nc
ncdump -h ts.nc
netcdf ts { dimensions: eqcell = 41252 ; variables: double eqlon(eqcell) ; eqlon:standard_name = "longitude" ; eqlon:long_name = "Center longitude of equal-area cell" ; eqlon:units = "degrees_east" ; double eqlat(eqcell) ; eqlat:standard_name = "latitude" ; eqlat:long_name = "Center latitude of equal-area cell" ; eqlat:units = "degrees_north" ; ubyte ts(eqcell) ; ts:long_name = "Mean surface skin temperature" ; ts:units = "count" ; ts:CDI_grid_type = "unstructured" ; ts:coordinates = "eqlat eqlon" ; ts:_FillValue = 255UB ; ts:missing_value = 255UB ; ts:conversion_table = "tmptab" ; ts:description = "Grid cell average surface skin temperature for clear pixels detected by both IR and VIS (IR at night) thresholds and using actual surface emissivity, more cloud-contaminated than ts_clrsky" ; ...
So, all what I did to remap the data was
ncap2 -O -s 'eqlat=double(eqlat)' ISCCP.HGM.v01r00.GLOBAL.2012.12.99.9999.GPC.10KM.CS00.EQ1.00.nc tmp1.nc ncap2 -O -s 'eqlon=double(eqlon)' tmp1.nc tmp2.nc ncatted -O -a coordinates,ts,c,c,"eqlon eqlat" tmp2.nc tmp3.nc cdo -selvar,ts tmp3.nc ts.nc cdo gennn,r360x180 ts.nc weights.nc cdo remap,r360x180,weights.nc ts.nc ts_r360x180.nc
RE: Unsupported generic grid - Added by Bryan Weare over 5 years ago
I found this very useful, but I have one additional problem.
I am trying to remap portions of ISCCP.HGM.v01r00.GLOBAL.1983.07.99.9999.GPC.10KM.CS00.EQ1.00.nc
I want to look at cldamt_irtypes(cloud_irtype, eqcell)
This has the nonstandard vertical dimension cloud_irtype, which makes it fail with this variable.
I have tried a variety of nc commands to pick off one level of this variable, but each time it excludes the other dimensions, making remapping impossible.
Does anyone have any suggestions?