Subsetting SCRIP grid file
Added by Thiago dos Santos over 6 years ago
Dear all,
I am trying to spatially subset one of the CESM surface datasets, which I am quite sure is a mask file encapsulated in a SCRIP grid file. This is the header of the file:
netcdf map_0.5x0.5_nomask_to_360x720_nomask_aave_da_c120830 { dimensions: n_a = 259200 ; n_b = 259200 ; n_s = 259200 ; nv_a = 4 ; nv_b = 4 ; num_wgts = 1 ; src_grid_rank = 2 ; dst_grid_rank = 2 ; variables: int src_grid_dims(src_grid_rank) ; int dst_grid_dims(dst_grid_rank) ; double yc_a(n_a) ; yc_a:units = "degrees" ; double yc_b(n_b) ; yc_b:units = "degrees" ; double xc_a(n_a) ; xc_a:units = "degrees" ; double xc_b(n_b) ; xc_b:units = "degrees" ; double yv_a(n_a, nv_a) ; yv_a:units = "degrees" ; double xv_a(n_a, nv_a) ; xv_a:units = "degrees" ; double yv_b(n_b, nv_b) ; yv_b:units = "degrees" ; double xv_b(n_b, nv_b) ; xv_b:units = "degrees" ; int mask_a(n_a) ; mask_a:units = "unitless" ; int mask_b(n_b) ; mask_b:units = "unitless" ; double area_a(n_a) ; area_a:units = "square radians" ; double area_b(n_b) ; area_b:units = "square radians" ; double frac_a(n_a) ; frac_a:units = "unitless" ; double frac_b(n_b) ; frac_b:units = "unitless" ; int col(n_s) ; int row(n_s) ; double S(n_s) ; // global attributes: :title = "ESMF Offline Regridding Weight Generator" ; :normalization = "destarea" ; :map_method = "Conservative remapping" ; :conventions = "NCAR-CSM" ; :domain_a = "/glade/proj3/cseg/inputdata/lnd/clm2/mappingdata/grids/" ; :domain_b = "/glade/proj3/cseg/inputdata/lnd/clm2/mappingdata/grids/" ; :grid_file_src = "/glade/proj3/cseg/inputdata/lnd/clm2/mappingdata/grids/" ; :grid_file_dst = "/glade/proj3/cseg/inputdata/lnd/clm2/mappingdata/grids/" ; :CVS_revision = "5.2.0rp1 beta snapshot" ; :history = "Thu Aug 30 12:49:01 2012: ncatted -a history,global,a,c,/contrib/esmf-5.2.0rp1bs09-64/bin/ESMF_RegridWeightGen\n", "/contrib/esmf-5.2.0rp1bs09-64/bin/ESMF_RegridWeightGen" ; :hostname = "" ; :logname = "erik" ; data: src_grid_dims = 720, 360 ; dst_grid_dims = 720, 360 ; yc_a = -89.75, -89.75, -89.75, -89.75, -89.75, -89.75, -89.75, -89.75, -89.75, -89.75, -89.75, -89.75, -89.75, -89.75, -89.75, -89.75, -89.75, -89.75, -89.75, -89.75, -89.75, -89.75, -89.75, -89.75, -89.75, -89.75, -89.75, -89.75, -89.75, -89.75, -89.75, -89.75, -89.75, -89.75, -89.75,
(and so on). The full file is attached to this message and also available for download at
The command I am trying to run is:
cdo sellonlatbox,-170,-53,25,84
but I get the infamous error message:
cdo sellonlatbox: Unsupported grid type: generic
cdo sellonlatbox (Abort): Unsupported grid type!
which makes me wonder that I have to add some dimension/attribute to the file before using CDO on it, but I don't what those would be.
Does anybody have any experience with a file like this? What dimensions or attributes do I need to add to the file in order to be able to subset a lon/lat box out of it?
Thanks in advance,
Replies (3)
RE: Subsetting SCRIP grid file - Added by Karin Meier-Fleischer over 6 years ago
Hi Thiago,
I don't have much expirience working with SCRIP files directly but you should do
cdo -setattribute,yc_a@units="degrees_north" -setattribute,xc_a@units="degrees_east" \ -setattribute,yc_b@units="degrees_north" -setattribute,xc_b@units="degrees_east" \ -setattribute,yv_a@units="degrees_north" -setattribute,xv_a@units="degrees_east" \ -setattribute,yv_b@units="degrees_north" -setattribute,xv_b@units="degrees_east" \ cdo -setattribute,mask_a@coordinates="yc_a xc_a" -setattribute,mask_a@coordinates="yc_a xc_a" \ -setattribute,mask_b@coordinates="yc_b xc_b" -setattribute,mask_b@coordinates="yc_b xc_b" \ -setattribute,area_a@coordinates="yc_a xc_a" -setattribute,area_a@coordinates="yc_a xc_a" \ -setattribute,area_b@coordinates="yc_b xc_b" -setattribute,area_b@coordinates="yc_b xc_b" \ -setattribute,frac_a@coordinates="yc_a xc_a" -setattribute,frac_a@coordinates="yc_a xc_a" \ -setattribute,frac_b@coordinates="yc_b xc_b" -setattribute,frac_b@coordinates="yc_b xc_b" \
You have to select the variable, e.g. mask_a
cdo -sellonlatbox,-170,-53,25,84 -selvar,mask_a
Because I don't know if mask, area and frac are going with yc, xc or with yv,xv you have to have a closer look at this yourself.
RE: Subsetting SCRIP grid file - Added by Uwe Schulzweida over 6 years ago
BTW: The CDO operator setattribute accepts more than one attribute and it supports wildcards:
cdo -setattribute,y?_?@units="degrees_north",x?_?@units="degrees_east",????_a@coordinates="yc_a xc_a",????_b@coordinates="yc_b xc_b" \
RE: Subsetting SCRIP grid file - Added by Thiago dos Santos over 6 years ago
Thanks Kari and Uwe for your replies. I ended up using another tool to process that file, but it's good to know about CDO's ability to easily set attributes.