why the value is much smaller after remapbil and how to correct it ?
Added by allen zhang almost 7 years ago
I have an regional emission inventory of 0.002deg spatial resolution, whose header file is shown as follows:
netcdf INDY.Total.2012.hourly {
Lon = 560 ;
Lat = 521 ;
Time = 8760 ;
double Lon(Lon) ;
Lon:units = "degree" ;
Lon:long_name = "Lon" ;
double Lat(Lat) ;
Lat:units = "degree" ;
Lat:long_name = "Lat" ;
int Time(Time) ;
Time:units = "hour" ;
Time:long_name = "Time" ;
double Carbon\ Emission(Time, Lat, Lon) ;
Carbon\ Emission:units = "Kilogram" ;
Carbon\ Emission:_FillValue = NaN ;
and I want to match it to a WRF domain, the grid definition is attached as grid03.
For original emission inventory file, I have modified something so that it can be processed by remapbil
netcdf \2012_hourly_emission_new {
Lon = 560 ;
Lat = 521 ;
time = UNLIMITED ; // (8760 currently)
double Lon(Lon) ;
Lon:standard_name = "longitude" ;
Lon:long_name = "Lon" ;
Lon:units = "degree_east" ;
double Lat(Lat) ;
Lat:standard_name = "latitude" ;
Lat:long_name = "Lat" ;
Lat:units = "degree_north" ;
double time(time) ;
time:standard_name = "time" ;
time:units = "hours since 2012-01-01 00:00:00" ;
time:calendar = "proleptic_gregorian" ;
double Carbon\ Emission(time, Lat, Lon) ;
Carbon\ Emission:units = "Kilogram" ;
Carbon\ Emission:_FillValue = NaN ;
Carbon\ Emission:missing_value = NaN ;// global attributes:
:CDI = "Climate Data Interface version 1.6.2 (http://code.zmaw.de/projects/cdi)" ;
:Conventions = "CF-1.4" ;
:history = "Sat Jun 9 23:54:34 2018: ncatted -O -a axis,Lon,d,, -a axis,Lat,d,, 2012_hourly_emission_new.nc\n",
"Sat Jun 09 23:12:08 2018: cdo settaxis,2012-01-01,00:00:00,1hour -settunits,hours 2012_hourly_emission.nc 2012_hourly_emission_new.nc\n",
"Sat Jun 9 22:00:51 2018: ncatted -a units,Lon,m,c,degree_east -a units,Lat,m,c,degree_north 2012_hourly_emission.nc\n",
"Sat Jun 9 15:44:52 2018: ncatted -a units,Lon,m,c,degree_east -a units,Lat,m,c,degree_notth 2012_hourly_emission.nc" ;
:CDO = "Climate Data Operators version 1.6.2 (http://code.zmaw.de/projects/cdo)" ;
After remapbil, we get the emission file corresponding to the WRF domain,
netcdf emission_d03_2012_hourly_remapbil {
x = 87 ;
y = 87 ;
time = UNLIMITED ; // (8760 currently)
double XLONG ;
XLONG:standard_name = "longitude" ;
XLONG:long_name = "longitude" ;
XLONG:units = "degree_east" ;
XLONG:_CoordinateAxisType = "Lon" ;
double XLAT ;
XLAT:standard_name = "latitude" ;
XLAT:long_name = "latitude" ;
XLAT:units = "degree_north" ;
XLAT:_CoordinateAxisType = "Lat" ;
double time(time) ;
time:standard_name = "time" ;
time:units = "hours since 2012-01-01 00:00:00" ;
time:calendar = "proleptic_gregorian" ;
double Carbon\ Emission(time, y, x) ;
Carbon\ Emission:units = "Kilogram" ;
Carbon\ Emission:coordinates = "XLONG XLAT" ;
Carbon\ Emission:_FillValue = NaN ;
Carbon\ Emission:missing_value = NaN ;// global attributes:
:CDI = "Climate Data Interface version 1.6.2 (http://code.zmaw.de/projects/cdi)" ;
:Conventions = "CF-1.4" ;
:history = "Sat Jun 09 23:56:50 2018: cdo remapbil,grid03 2012_hourly_emission_new.nc emission_d03_2012_hourly_remapbil.nc\n",
"Sat Jun 9 23:54:34 2018: ncatted -O -a axis,Lon,d,, -a axis,Lat,d,, 2012_hourly_emission_new.nc\n",
"Sat Jun 09 23:12:08 2018: cdo settaxis,2012-01-01,00:00:00,1hour -settunits,hours 2012_hourly_emission.nc 2012_hourly_emission_new.nc\n",
"Sat Jun 9 22:00:51 2018: ncatted -a units,Lon,m,c,degree_east -a units,Lat,m,c,degree_north 2012_hourly_emission.nc\n",
"Sat Jun 9 15:44:52 2018: ncatted -a units,Lon,m,c,degree_east -a units,Lat,m,c,degree_notth 2012_hourly_emission.nc" ;
:CDO = "Climate Data Operators version 1.6.2 (http://code.zmaw.de/projects/cdo)" ;
But for data of emission,it seems to be strange since the original emission are between 0 and 169857 Kg but the after are between 0 and 2271 Kg
I don't know how to correct it or may be this process is wrong , can anybody give me some advice?
I also attached the sinfov file of original and after some process for references since the emission file is too large to upload.
grid03 (198 KB) grid03 | domain grid definition | ||
sinfov.hourly.2012_after_remapbil (183 KB) sinfov.hourly.2012_after_remapbil | |||
sinfov.hourly.2012_after_setsth (183 KB) sinfov.hourly.2012_after_setsth | |||
sinfov.hourly.2012_original (182 KB) sinfov.hourly.2012_original |
Replies (1)
RE: why the value is much smaller after remapbil and how to correct it ? - Added by allen zhang almost 7 years ago
ADD some information
the griddes of original emission file is
- gridID 2 #
gridtype = generic
gridsize = 291760
xname = Lon
xlongname = Lon
xunits = degree
yname = Lat
ylongname = Lat
yunits = degree
xsize = 560
ysize = 521
xfirst = -86.694
xinc = 0.002
yfirst = 40.3788
yinc = -0.002
since generic gridtype cannot be remapilled, and I have modified it and get
- gridID 2 #
gridtype = lonlat
gridsize = 291760
xname = Lon
xlongname = Lon
xunits = degree_east
yname = Lat
ylongname = Lat
yunits = degree_north
xsize = 560
ysize = 521
xfirst = -86.694
xinc = 0.002
yfirst = 40.3788
yinc = -0.002