error with uv2dv: "(Abort): U-wind is not on gaussian grid!"
Added by Kyle Clem almost 7 years ago
Hi CDO users,
Following up on my previous message "help setting up infile/outfile for divergence/vorticity and stream function/velocity potential", I am trying to calculate divergence/vorticity and stream function/velocity potential with U and V winds. I merged the U and V winds into a single file like this:
cdo merge
and this seems to have done the trick with regards to my previous question of how to set up the infile. However, when performing the uv2dv operator on the merged wind file, I get an error stating U-wind is not on gaussian grid. I am using ECMWF Interim reanalysis wind data and as far as I can tell it is on a gaussian grid. I also checked the vars and they match to what CDO wants: U-wind (var=u) and V-wind (var=v). I can't figure out what the problem is.
Has anyone come across this error and able to help?