


Cannot import CDO in Python

Added by Nathanael Harwood almost 7 years ago

Same problem as ( but can't find solution

Import works
from cdo import *

cdo = Cdo()

and all following commands don't.

With python-cdo version 1.3.6 running on Windows 10, in anaconda. Many thanks

Replies (1)

RE: Cannot import CDO in Python - Added by Ralf Mueller almost 7 years ago

hi Nathan!

I need more information about your (sub)system:

  • there is no native windows CDO binary, for running the python bindings you need a running CDO
  • which python do you use? there is
    • native windows python
    • cygwin python
    • Microsoft developer tools install a running ubuntu system inside windows10 - so you might also use THIS system to run python.

due to the fact, that you need a running CDO binary you should follow the cygwin path. Using the build-in ubuntu is possible (I personally checked it some time ago, but need a lot more manual intervention).

please have look into this for installing things with cygwin - in case you need to.

