


Problem with CDO remap

Added by Christopher Moseley almost 7 years ago

I have the following problem with cdo remap. I have generated a weights file with cdo gencon and want to apply it on several files.
I copied my files to mistral:/scratch/m/m222087/cdo_remap

When I apply

cdo remap,gridspec_DOM01_1000m_germany_alpha.txt,

everything works fine, but when I apply

cdo remap,gridspec_DOM01_1000m_germany_alpha.txt,

I get the error message:

cdo remap (Warning): Reference to horizontal grid not available!

cdo remap (Abort): Reference to source grid not found!

However, both files are from the same ICON simulation and should be defined on the same grid. I can't see any difference in their grid definition.
What's the reason for the error?

module list

1) cdo/1.7.0-magicsxx-gcc48 3) pftp/ 5) defaults 7) nco/4.6.7-gcc48 9) jdk/1.8.0_20
2) imagemagick/6.9.1-7-gcc48 4) netcdf_c/4.3.2-gcc48 6) ncview/2.1.4-gcc48 8) python/2.7-ve0 10) intel/18.0.2

Replies (2)

RE: Problem with CDO remap - Added by Uwe Schulzweida almost 7 years ago

The surface file contains a variable with missing value. This causes the operator remap to try to calculate new weights for this grid. The grid coordinates are needed for this task. A workaround is to remove this variable if you don't need it:

cdo remap,gridspec_DOM01_1000m_germany_alpha.txt, -delete,name=t_seasfc 2d_surface_*.nc 2d_surface_*

RE: Problem with CDO remap - Added by Christopher Moseley almost 7 years ago

Thank you very much Uwe, that solves my problem.
