


netcdf problem

Added by Álvaro Sánchez almost 7 years ago

Hi friends,i think that this is a silly problem but i'm quite a noob and i don't understand many things about computing.

When i try to do anything with a .nc the next text come to screen:

cdo infon: Open failed on >/home/practicas/proyecto-aerosoles/datos/<
Unsupported file type (library support not compiled in)
To create a CDO application with NetCDF support use: ./configure --with-netcdf=<NetCDF root directory> ...

And i do what he is asking me to do but when i try again nothing changed.

Please help me,thank you very much mates.

Replies (8)

RE: netcdf problem - Added by Álvaro Sánchez almost 7 years ago

Álvaro Sánchez wrote:

Hi friends,i think that this is a silly problem but i'm quite a noob and i don't understand many things about computing.

When i try to do anything with a .nc the next text come to screen:

cdo infon: Open failed on >/home/practicas/proyecto-aerosoles/datos/<
Unsupported file type (library support not compiled in)
To create a CDO application with NetCDF support use: ./configure --with-netcdf=<NetCDF root directory> ...

And i do what he is asking me to do but when i try again nothing changed.

Please help me,thank you very much mates.

Probably i don'even know where the fcking netcdf root directory is,is it on cdo-version computer folder? is it on other place?I know nothing,I'm rly noob,sorry.

Still need for help as you can see :(
,thank you.

RE: netcdf problem - Added by Ralf Mueller almost 7 years ago

hi Alvaro!

  1. please upload the output of
    cdo -V
  2. upload the input data, it it's to large, you can use out public ftp server:, user anonymous, passwd: an email-address
  3. be a little patient

could be that is not a netcdf file, in our last session it turned out to be grib1.


RE: netcdf problem - Added by Álvaro Sánchez almost 7 years ago

Hi again and thank you bro.

The ouput is:
Climate Data Operators version 1.9.3 (
Compiled: by practicas on BecarioLuis (x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu) May 2 2018 14:45:04
CXX Compiler: g++ -std=gnu++11 -g -O2 -fopenmp
CXX version : g++ (Ubuntu 5.4.0-6ubuntu1~16.04.9) 5.4.0 20160609
C Compiler: gcc -g -O2 -fopenmp
C version : gcc (Ubuntu 5.4.0-6ubuntu1~16.04.9) 5.4.0 20160609
F77 Compiler: f77 -g -O2
F77 version : unknown
Features: 7GB C++11 Fortran DATA PTHREADS OpenMP4 SSE2
Filetypes: srv ext ieg grb1
CDI library version : 1.9.3 of May 2 2018 14:43:28
CGRIBEX library version : 1.9.0 of Jan 22 2018 09:24:03
EXSE library version : 1.4.0 of May 2 2018 14:43:22
FILE library version : 1.8.3 of May 2 2018 14:43:18

the input data is anything,i can't use any file with my cdo,i have a los of .nc and i can't open anyone,the files wich i sent you the other day for example.

Before talking i could use all those files,now i can't even use infon,something has change and i don't know what is it.

RE: netcdf problem - Added by Ralf Mueller almost 7 years ago

you CDO has indeed not netcdf-suuport compiled in - in our lat try, I suggested to use the conda-based CDO ( This has netcdf for sure - can you give it a try?

RE: netcdf problem - Added by Álvaro Sánchez almost 7 years ago

Hi mate.

I was out during this week,i'm so sorry for not talk.

A friend of mine fixed my problem,he changes things(paths or something like that),as you know,i'm quite a beginner in this,if you have time and you don't mind,could you tell me what is conda based CDO?
Or send me to a place where i could learn that.

Finally i want to thank you,you are a really good person,i saw you helping another people in the forum,like i said,you are the best bro.

Thank you very much,best regards.

RE: netcdf problem - Added by Ralf Mueller almost 7 years ago

Conda is a python based package manager, that helps you install software without the need of admin-access-rights. It's all under your HOME directory.

I use Miniconda because the default installation is small. installation process is rather easy:

  1. you download an installer like
  2. you run it with
  3. aaa, I think I already wrote that down here

finally it is just an alternative to get CDO without compiling it yourself. depending on your operating system, there are other options, too.

anyhow - if it's solved it's solved, right?

have a nice weekend

RE: netcdf problem - Added by Álvaro Sánchez almost 7 years ago

Hi mate.

I understand,there's a lot of thinks that i don't know about... Well,about everything really hahaha.

yeah,it's solve,it seems like something in cdo's path changed(i don't know why) and i couldn't do anything with cdo,but i don't rly know.

I'm very gracefull for your help,you are the best bro.

I'm from spain and i'm working(not really,i'm just in practices) in aemet(agencia estatal de meteorología) if you want to have a look.

I will finish my proyect in a couple of months,i will mention you and your help on the final drafting and will post here,but i guess that you will be able to see in the official page of aemet.

To finish,i want to thank you again(i hope that this were the last time,because i don't want to have more problems with cdo),so have a nice life and care yourself a lot bro.

Best wishes.


RE: netcdf problem - Added by Ralf Mueller almost 7 years ago

good luck with your project, Álvaro!

