


To create seasonal mean value for each timesteps

Added by sangik suh almost 7 years ago


I have 22 years wind data over every 10mins so it has 144 timesteps per day. Unfortunately, there is some value which is -999 or some of the timesteps are just totally missing.
I want to calculate the mean of every each time steps (e.g. mean of every 00:00, mean of every 00:10 ... mean of every 23:50) but seasonally not whole year (DJF, MAM, JJA, SON).
In the end, I want to have 4 dataset with 144 values.
In this case, what kind of code do I have to use? or even is it possible to do in cdo?

Thank you very much and I will wait for many replies :)


Replies (1)

RE: To create seasonal mean value for each timesteps - Added by sangik suh almost 7 years ago

Oh and I create nc file from txt file with

cdo -f nc input,r1x1

however, the time variables seems to be wrong. in the text file, time value written as 199601010000 which mean 1996 Jan 01, 00:00. how can I create nc file correct way?

sangik suh wrote:


I have 22 years wind data over every 10mins so it has 144 timesteps per day. Unfortunately, there is some value which is -999 or some of the timesteps are just totally missing.
I want to calculate the mean of every each time steps (e.g. mean of every 00:00, mean of every 00:10 ... mean of every 23:50) but seasonally not whole year (DJF, MAM, JJA, SON).
In the end, I want to have 4 dataset with 144 values.
In this case, what kind of code do I have to use? or even is it possible to do in cdo?

Thank you very much and I will wait for many replies :)

