error "Numeric conversion not representable"
Added by Ufuk Utku Turuncoglu over 13 years ago
I try to calculate monthly mean using following command,
cdo monmean
but CDO gives,
cdf_put_vara_double : ncid = 131072 varid = 3 val0 = 0.005725
Error (cdf_put_vara_double) : NetCDF: Numeric conversion not representable
error. The data is not packed and variables are in float data type. I also try to add "-b 32" option but result is same. "-b 64" is working but in this case data size is increasing. Any suggestion?
PS: CDO version 1.5.0
Replies (4)
RE: error "Numeric conversion not representable" - Added by Uwe Schulzweida over 13 years ago
Hi Ufuk,
We have no idea how this could happen.
Could you please attach your netCDF file.
Cheers, Uwe
RE: error "Numeric conversion not representable" - Added by Ufuk Utku Turuncoglu over 13 years ago
Sorry for late response. You can find the file as attachment. The original data is huge so i just only include a month. The following command causes error,
cdo monmean
Warning (scanVarAttributes) : NetCDF: Variable not found - rcm_map
Warning (scanVarAttributes) : NetCDF: Variable not found - rcm_map
Warning (scanVarAttributes) : NetCDF: Variable not found - tbnds
cdf_put_vara_double : ncid = 131072 varid = 4 val0 = 0.003013
Error (cdf_put_vara_double) : NetCDF: Numeric conversion not representable
Best regards,
--ufuk (37.8 MB) | 3 hourly runoff data generated by RegCM model |
RE: error "Numeric conversion not representable" - Added by Uwe Schulzweida over 13 years ago
The runoff data has missing values which are filled with _FillValue = -1.e+34f. Furthermore there are some time steps with a few values in the range -1e-38 and -1e33 and some values with "-inf". The "-inf" values causes the problem. Solution for this problem is to change the "-inf" values also to missing values:
cdo monmean -setctomiss,-inf
Best regards,
RE: error "Numeric conversion not representable" - Added by Ufuk Utku Turuncoglu over 13 years ago
So, the problem was in data. Thanks for your kindly help.
Best regards,