


Converting global ICON from triangular to regular changes shortName value in the .grib2 file.

Added by Martin Dzurenko over 7 years ago

Hello !

I am downloading and postprocessing global ICON data.
With help of this document I managed to convert them from unstructured_grid to regular_ll format.
To be more specific, I am calling this exact command to do so:

cdo -f grb2 remap,target_grid_world_0125.txt, in.grib2 out.grib2

I downloaded files target_grid_world_0125.txt and from here, my cdo version is 1.6.4+dfsg.1-5.1+b1 (debian jessie stable)

Everything is working flawlessly, except layers HZEROCL (Height of 0 degree Celsius isotherm above msl) and CLCL (Low level clouds).
After the conversion, these grib2 layers have different shortName values. HZEROCL becomes h and CLCL becomes ccl (I am using ECMWF's ecCodes commands grib_ls and grib_dump to display this information).
I noticed this problem only occurs for layers that have typeOfLevel set to unknown.

I tried compiling and using the latest cdo version (1.9.2) following the documentation and source code found here.
With this version, the problem with CLCL is gone, but HZEROCL is the same.
(Also note that I am postprocessing only a subset of the layers provided by DWD so there might be other layers that have a similar problem.)

Is there a way to work around this without unpleasant hacks (e.g. not needing to use extra commands such as grib_get and grib_set), or am I doing something wrong ? Or is it discouraged to use shortName key to identify a layer ?
Thanks for your time reading this, and for any help !


Replies (1)

RE: Converting global ICON from triangular to regular changes shortName value in the .grib2 file. - Added by Uwe Schulzweida about 7 years ago

Hello Martin,

This is a bug in CDO!
As a workaround you need to set tablesVersion=11 in the GRIB_API template GRIB2.tmpl (See chapter 1.1 in this document)

grib_set -s tablesVersion=11 GRIB2.tmpl GRIB2.tmpl
We will fix this bug in one of the next CDO releases.

