


hierarchical (compound) netCDF files

Added by Augusto Sanabria over 7 years ago

Dear group,

I wonder if someone could suggest an effective way to read compound variables in hierarchical netCDF files,
one of the capabilities of the new netCDF4 format.

I have a file of this type (using ‘ncdump', where the 'group: tracks-000*' repeats several times):

group: tracks-0006 {
compound track_dtype {
int CycloneNumber ;
double Datetime ;
float TimeElapsed ;
double Longitude ;
double Latitude ;
double Speed ;
double Bearing ;
double CentralPressure ;
double EnvPressure ;
double rMax ;
}; // track_dtype
time = UNLIMITED ; // (13 currently)
double time(time) ;
time:units = "hours since 1900-01-01 00:00" ;
time:calendar = "julian" ;
track_dtype track(time) ;
track:long_name = "Tropical cyclone track data" ;
track:time_units = "hours since 1900-01-01 00:00" ;
track:calendar = "julian" ;
track:lon_units = "degrees east" ;
track:lat_units = "degrees north" ;
track:pressure_units = "hPa" ;
track:speed_units = "m/s" ;
track:length_units = "km" ;
track:trackId = "(6, 33)" ;

time = 43116601, 43116602, 43116603, 43116604, 43116605, 43116606,
43116607, 43116608 ;
track =
   {6, 43116601, 0, 258.600006103516, 10.8000001907349, 31.6361141204834, 278, 1002, 1005.63439941406, 51.3120727539062},
   {6, 43116602, 1, 258.312957763672, 10.8394889831543, 35.2432289123535, 272.674530029297, 1002.35272216797, 1006.88269042969, 74.1966857910156},
   {6, 43116603, 2, 257.990386962891, 10.8541202545166, 22.5748672485352, 275.178649902344, 1002.25671386719, 1006.89263916016, 74.0333557128906},
   {6, 43116604, 3, 257.784362792969, 10.8723878860474, 15.8934631347656, 261.810882568359, 1002.39923095703, 1006.91198730469, 74.2270736694336},
   {6, 43116605, 4, 257.640228271484, 10.8519821166992, 5.5399956703186, 262.884246826172, 1002.57611083984, 1006.93743896484, 74.4559326171875},
   {6, 43116606, 5, 257.58984375, 10.8458023071289, 9.16022682189941, 271.360168457031, 1003.10247802734, 1006.98248291016, 75.1571273803711},
   {6, 43116607, 6, 257.505920410156, 10.8477478027344, 4.37964916229248, 272.071868896484, 1003.06762695312, 1006.97888183594, 75.1133499145508},
   {6, 43116608, 7, 257.4658203125, 10.8491697311401, 7.56261444091797, 285.567169189453, 1003.12829589844, 1006.98022460938, 75.1968688964844}

The usual tools I use to read netCDF files do not work with this type of netCDF4 format (I use "ncdf4" in R, "ncview" and "NCO tools", none of them open it).
Is there an option in CDO to extract data from these types of files?

Thank you for any help you can provide, regards,
