Read error on namelist
Added by Jana Doubalova over 7 years ago
I seem to have a problem with regridding. When I try to run remapbil on our cluster, I get the following error:
listbuf_read: max buffer size of 134217728 exceeded (griddef.txt)!
cdo remapbil (Abort): Read error on namelist griddef.txt!
However, on my own computer, it works fine. Could I have overlooked something? Perhaps an issue with the installation? make check failed on netcdf4 chaining (or something) - after reading a related question here on the forum, I decied to try to ignore the warning and not mess with the already installed libraries. Could it be related to the problem? Although when I tested cdo with different files, it also worked fine.
Thank you.
Replies (1)
RE: Read error on namelist - Added by Uwe Schulzweida over 7 years ago
Hi Jana,
This is a bug in CDO! The problem is independent from the computer. We will fix this bug in the next CDO release. You can fix it by your own by removing the lines 29+30 in file src/