


ICON data converted from unstructured to Lon/Lat grid

Added by Leon Lin over 7 years ago


I tried to convert ICON data from unstructured to Lon/Lat grid like NCEP GFS as:

cdo -f grb2 -setgridtype,lonlat ICON_iko_single_level_elements_world_CLCT_MOD_2017111912_180.grib2 zzz

but always show the message below:

cdo setgridtype (Warning): Conversion of unstructured grid to regular grid failed!

cdo setgridtype (Abort): Unsupported grid type!

So appreciate if anyone have any comment for this issue.


Replies (2)

RE: ICON data converted from unstructured to Lon/Lat grid - Added by Karin Meier-Fleischer over 7 years ago

Hi Leon,

first, create a destination latlon grid file. E.g.

  gridtype  = lonlat
  gridsize  = 7844
  xsize     = 106
  ysize     = 74
  xname     = lon
  xlongname = "longitude" 
  xunits    = "degrees_east" 
  yname     = lat
  ylongname = "latitude" 
  yunits    = "degrees_north" 
  xfirst    = 2.9
  xinc      = 0.125 
  yfirst    = 46.4
  yinc      = 0.125

Then create a weights file which has to be done only once if the files have the same source grid

  cdo gennn,gridfile infile weights

This will take some time so it would be a better idea to use the -P option, too. E.g.

  cdo -P 48 gennn,gridfile infile weights

Remap to latlon grid

  cdo remap,gridfile,weights infile outfile

better use -P option, e.g.

  cdo -P 48 remap,gridfile,weights infile outfile

