Conversion .nc to .grb with win32 version of cdo
Added by Nicolas Clement over 13 years ago
I need to convert a .nc to .grb to open the file (surface currents). There is no error message. But when I want to open the converted file with Adrena sofware or ugrib, I can't.
Any idea?
Below are both files.
Thanks (20.7 KB) | |||
file.grb (10.3 KB) file.grb |
Replies (1)
RE: Conversion .nc to .grb with win32 version of cdo - Added by Uwe Schulzweida over 13 years ago
I'm not using the Adrena software or ugrib but I assume that they need specific parameter ids to identify the variables of a GRIB file.
CDO doesn't automatically detect the variables of your netCDF file. Therefor the parameter ids have to set manualy. Here is an example for the WMO Parameter table:
parameter id | |
Temperature | 11 |
U-velocity | 33 |
V-velocity | 34 |
cdo -f grb -chparam,-1,11,-2,33,-3,34 result.grb
Note that this is only an example, you have to find out which parameter table is expected from the tools.