


missing values not supported in eof operator

Added by chinmay khadke over 7 years ago

cdo eof (Abort): Missing values unsupported!

This is the message i get when i try to run the eof operator. Header shows missing value as -9999.f File has values over x,y,t domain.
can anyone suggest the way around this?? i Have attached the sample file.
Chinmay (11.3 MB) gridded OLR data set

Replies (3)

RE: missing values not supported in eof operator - Added by Karin Meier-Fleischer over 7 years ago

Hi Chinmay,

hm, I got only a warning when I do the following with CDO version 1.8.2

cdo eof,40

Output on stdout:

statistics-module (Warning): Eigenvalue computation with one-sided jacobi scheme
                             did not converge properly. 8254 of 324415 pairs of columns did
                             not achieve requested orthogonality of      1e-12
cdo eof: Processed 2966080 values from 2 variables over 806 timesteps ( 66.49s )

Which CDO version are you using (cdo -V)? Did you use the uploaded file? What is the CDO command line call?


RE: missing values not supported in eof operator - Added by chinmay khadke over 7 years ago

thanks for the reply Karin

Yess I did use the same file. I used the same command line call as you.

I am using 1.7.0 i will try with the latest version and post an update.

Thanks again :)

RE: missing values not supported in eof operator - Added by Renan Martins renanpizzochero almost 5 years ago

Dear all

I can try calculate EOF on CDO 1.9.6, however is showed this mesage:

cdo eof (Abort): Missing values unsupported!

I used missval -9999, but didn't work.

Anybody can give me a help?

Thanks a lot
