Variable has unsupported generic grid when remapping
Added by Justin Hicks over 7 years ago
I am trying to do a 2nd order conservative remapping of the NVAP-M total precipitable water vapor dataset using the following command:
cdo remapcon2,/data2/NEWS_SWEC/Products/Ancillary_Products/
However, I get the following error: cdo remapcon2 (Abort): Variable water_vapor has an unsupported generic grid!
I've used the 'selname' option to remap a specific variable before, but that would not work in this case because everything has a generic grid.
The results of typing in 'cdo sinfov' are below:
File format : NetCDF4 ZIP
-1 : Institut Source Steptype Levels Num Points Num Dtype : Parameter name
1 : unknown unknown constant 1 1 64800 1 F32z : water_vapor
2 : unknown unknown constant 6 2 64800 1 I8 z : SSMI_DSC
3 : unknown unknown constant 8 3 64800 1 I8 z : HIRS_DSC
4 : unknown unknown constant 1 1 64800 1 I8 z : Sonde_DSC
5 : unknown unknown constant 1 1 64800 1 I8 z : AIRS_DSC
Grid coordinates :
1 : generic : points=64800 (360x180)
Vertical coordinates :
1 : surface : levels=1
2 : generic : levels=6
lev : 1 to 6 by 1 level
3 : generic : levels=8
lev : 1 to 8 by 1 level
cdo sinfon: Processed 5 variables ( 0.01s )
How can I change the generic grid to one that is supported using this remapping technique?
Replies (4)
RE: Variable has unsupported generic grid when remapping - Added by Karin Meier-Fleischer over 7 years ago
Hi Justin,
is it possible to upload a test file, e.g. one timestep for an affected variable.
RE: Variable has unsupported generic grid when remapping - Added by Justin Hicks over 7 years ago
Hi Karin,
I will attach a test file on this reply. The file has a single day of data.
RE: Variable has unsupported generic grid when remapping - Added by Karin Meier-Fleischer over 7 years ago
Hi Justin,
cdo says you have a generic grid because your data file hasn't have coordinate variables lon and lat.
You can add these variables using the setgrid operator. First, you must know which grid it is and I assume based on the ncdump output
ncdump -h
netcdf \2000.001.NVAPC.tpw.1xdaily { dimensions: nx = 360 ; ny = 180 ; n_ssmi = 6 ; n_hirs = 8 ; variables: float water_vapor(ny, nx) ; water_vapor:standard_name = "atmosphere_mass_content_of_water_vapor" ; water_vapor:long_name = "NVAP-M Climate Total Column Water Vapor" ; water_vapor:units = "mm" ; water_vapor:production_version = "1.0" ; water_vapor:missing_value = -9999.f ; water_vapor:valid_range = 0.f, 80.f ; byte SSMI_DSC(n_ssmi, ny, nx) ; SSMI_DSC:long_name = "Data Source Code for SSM/I on DMSP F08-F15" ; SSMI_DSC:valid_range = 0s, 1s ; SSMI_DSC:ssmi_platforms = "F08, F10, F11, F13, F14, F15" ; byte HIRS_DSC(n_hirs, ny, nx) ; HIRS_DSC:long_name = "Data Source Code For HIRS on NOAA 09-17" ; HIRS_DSC:valid_range = 0s, 1s ; HIRS_DSC:hirs_platforms = "N09, N10, N11, N12, N14, N15, N16, N17" ; byte Sonde_DSC(ny, nx) ; Sonde_DSC:long_name = "Data Source Code for Radiosonde" ; Sonde_DSC:valid_range = 0s, 1s ; byte AIRS_DSC(ny, nx) ; AIRS_DSC:long_name = "Data Source code for AIRS" ; AIRS_DSC:valid_range = 0s, 1s ; // global attributes: :conventions = "CF-1.6" ; :title = "NASA Water Vapor Project - MEaSUREs Dataset" ; :institution = "Science and Technology Corp., METSAT Division" ; }
that it is a latlon grid where lon=0 to 360 degrees and lat=-90 to 90 degrees with 1 degree interval each (if this is wrong you have to change the grid file below).
The grid file, here 'grid_latlon_global.txt', would look like the following
gridtype = lonlat gridsize = 64800 xsize = 360 ysize = 180 xname = lon xlongname = "longitude" xunits = "degrees_east" yname = lat ylongname = "latitude" yunits = "degrees_north" xfirst = 0 xinc = 1.0 yfirst = 90 yinc = 1.0
Add the coordinates and write the data to e.g. ''
cdo -f nc -setgrid,grid_latlon_global.txt
Now, you can remap the data to another grid, like
cdo remapcon2,/data2/NEWS_SWEC/Products/Ancillary_Products/
RE: Variable has unsupported generic grid when remapping - Added by Justin Hicks over 7 years ago
Thank you!! This works perfectly!