


Warning (cdfSetVar) : Inconsistent variable definition

Added by Petteri Uotila over 14 years ago


I'd like to combine several netcdf files to a larger netcdf file.
I can do this by:
#cdo cat iceh.1997-??.nc,
but I get warnings, e.g:
Warning (cdfSetVar) : Inconsistent variable definition for tarea!
I also notice that the variables listed in warnings are not included in
the larger netcdf file.

Do you know why this is happening and how can I include the dropped variables
into the larger netcdf file? A sample netcdf file can be downloaded from .

Many thanks,

Replies (1)

RE: Warning (cdfSetVar) : Inconsistent variable definition - Added by Uwe Schulzweida over 14 years ago

Hi Petteri,
The CDO internal data model distinguishes between data variables and coordinate variable. The variables tarea and uarea are currently between these classifications. So this kinds of variables are not supported at the moment, sorry. I will try to improve the support of grid cell areas (see Feature #374).
Best wishes,
