Genral question on cdo sub: Filling up stream2
Added by Lyndon Mark Olaguera over 7 years ago
Dear fellow CDO users,
I am trying to calculate anomalies using the "sub" function in CDO. For example has 17 time steps and is just the mean of these 17 time steps (i.e. cdo timmean).
I try to compute the anomalies by:
cdo sub
No error but I got the following messages:
cdo sub: Filling up stream2 >< by copying the first timestep.
cdo sub: Processed 3216672 values from 2 variables over 18 timesteps ( 0.08s )
I am just wondering what does the first statement cdo sub: Filling up stream2 mean in general?
Has anyone encountered this before and is willing to explain?
I'll appreciate any help. Many thanks.
Replies (1)
RE: Genral question on cdo sub: Filling up stream2 - Added by Uwe Schulzweida over 7 years ago
Filling up stream2 >XXX< by copying the first timestep.means that the data of the first timestep in stream2 is use also for all other timesteps.