


Land sea mask applied to grib with multiple time steps.

Added by Jean-Baptiste LE STANG almost 8 years ago

What's the recommended approach to masking a dataset in a grib file?

I do have a land/sea mask in à GRIB file
I do have a grib file with Wind Direction for various timestep (6h forecast)

When trying to apply my mask to the wind data, only one time step is being processed.

The command line I'm using is :

cdo -f grb2 -z jpeg -setmissval,0 -mul -eqc,0 mask.grib2 wind.grib2 output.grib2

Replies (1)

RE: Land sea mask applied to grib with multiple time steps. - Added by Ralf Mueller over 7 years ago

hi Jean!
input fields and and CDO version are needed to check, what's going on here.

