CDO change variable name
Added by Pierre LACOSTE almost 8 years ago
Hello everybody,
I'm using cdo to merge 2 netcdf files.
The original files have the variables latitude and longitude.
When I open, using Panoply sofware, the result file, the variables latitude and longitude have been renamed respectively lat and long.
Why cdo merge does this changement?
Is it possible to avoid this behaviour?
Thank you for the help.
Replies (1)
RE: CDO change variable name - Added by Ralf Mueller almost 8 years ago
Hi Pierre!
Renaming of variables should not happen at all, renaming of dimensions is taken out of the code for a year or so. So I wonder, which cdo version you used. Could you upload output of
cdo -V
For double checking it would be good to have your sample data, too.