


rotuvb changed behavior in different versions

Added by Rolf Zentek almost 8 years ago


I use the CCLM model with a rotated coordinate system with the following setup:

cdo -selname,U_10M,V10M
cdo -setgrid,grid.txt
cdo -rotuvb,U_10M,V10M

This worked fine until it was used with another cdo version (and computer) by a colleague of mine.
Tracking down the problem I made an artifical wind field (U=10m/s, V=0m/s)
on my rotated grid (northpol @ lon=0,lat=-77.5) and my domain, which covers a part of Antarctica INCLUDING the South Pole (in the bottem right corner).

In the attached "rotuvb.PNG" the two green fields show the original artifical wind in the rotated system.
The U wind is the same for all rotations. But the V wind has different values. (other 4 plots)
(In case anyone is wondering about the white line... its the coast line of Africa, produced by ncview by not getting the rotation and using the rotated lat/lon as actual geo lat/lon)

I attached the files.
The command I used was:
cdo -rotuvb,U_10M,V_10M -setgrid,grid.txt

A colleague of mine also tried different cdo versions (same and different computers). So we would conclude:
up to 1.6.8 rotuvb works with this setup
from 1.7.0 it doesn´t work anymore in this setup

Did the conventions on the grid description (grid.txt) change?

with kind regards
Rolf (1.4 MB)
grid.txt (328 Bytes) grid.txt
rotuvb.PNG (514 KB) rotuvb.PNG overview of the problem with artifical data

Replies (2)

RE: rotuvb changed behavior in different versions - Added by Rolf Zentek almost 8 years ago

Is rotuvb still supported/supposed to work?

Does anyone have an example file (maybe from REMO as the description hints to that) thats works with rotuvb?

I am unsure if this is a bug (and if I should open a ticket)... as I expect it may just be the conventions of the grid description....

RE: rotuvb changed behavior in different versions - Added by Uwe Schulzweida almost 8 years ago

This seems to be a bug, please open a ticket!

