


Issues with remapcon and keeping all additional info

Added by Benjamin Müller about 8 years ago


I have a netCDF dataset (CMIP5) containing soil wetness information and additional soil depth. When using remapcon to build a smaller test data set, the depth information is lost.
At least in the way it is originally saved. ncview shows a depth_bnds info before, but not after remapping. cdo zaxisdes shows the depth information for both. ncdump -h also shows depth_bnds before, but not after.

As a testing dataset, all variables/parameters should be shown the same way.

I actually cannot read the depth_bnds information with any cdo command, so maybe it's not even possible to keep it.

Is there any possible work around?

I'm currently using cdo 1.7.0. Is this an older/outdated bug and do I need to order an update on the used system?

Replies (4)

RE: Issues with remapcon and keeping all additional info - Added by Benjamin Müller about 8 years ago

I just could update to 1.8.0... problem persists.

RE: Issues with remapcon and keeping all additional info - Added by Ralf Mueller almost 8 years ago

Hi Benjamin!
Please upload some sample data!

thx in advance

RE: Issues with remapcon and keeping all additional info - Added by Benjamin Müller almost 8 years ago

Sorry, I was quite busy lately and missed your answer, Ralf.

I added a Zip with the original data, the file with the remapping rules, and the resulting file.

Thanks in advance. (32 MB) zip-packed files. Input, remapping rules, and result.

RE: Issues with remapcon and keeping all additional info - Added by Uwe Schulzweida almost 8 years ago

Hi Benjamin,

Thanks for the sample data! This bug will be fixed in the next CDO release.

