


GRIB1->GRIB2: setparam for APCPsfc Probabilities

Added by Aaron Perry about 8 years ago

I am trying to set a parameter while converting from grib1 to grib2.


cdo -f grb2 -setparam,8.1.0 -setlevel,0 -setltype,1 -setmissval,-999.99 /home/weather/2017022100.grib /home/weather/2017021200.grib2

When generating a control file for GrADS, I get the following output for the parameter:

APCPsfc 0,1 0,1,8 * surface Total Precipitation [kg/m^2]*

Expected Result:

APCP254GTsfc 0,1,0 a1,0.254 0,1,8,1 * surface prob >0.254 Total Precipitation [prob]*

What am I missing?

Replies (1)

RE: GRIB1->GRIB2: setparam for APCPsfc Probabilities - Added by Aaron Perry about 8 years ago

Ok, after doing some more research, it appears that CDO does not have the ability to write out GRIB2 files with additional codes, i.e. a1,0.254. These additional codes are used to uniquely identify the record when the elements in the levs and units fields are not sufficient. It is only required for certain Product Definition Templates: the Probability Forecasts (PDT 5 and 9) (see
