


Convert COSMO-DE data from rotated to latlon grid

Added by Artur Kubik about 8 years ago


I have a *.nc-file from the DWD, which needs to be transformed from a rotated grid to a lat lon grid. The data is forecast data for VMAX_10M from COSMO-DE model.
I have already tried different cdo-commands but so far with no good result. I tried following commands:

  • cdo setgridtype,lonlat ifile ofile
  • cdo remapbil,mygrid ifile ofile
  • cdo setgridtype,curvilinear ifile ofile

With the last one I got the output file “”. It is a lat lon grid now, but xinc and yinc are 1 degree instead of 0.025 degree.
The grid description should probably be as attached in the file mygrid.txt. Also attached is the input file “".

Can anybody help please?



Replies (6)

RE: Convert COSMO-DE data from rotated to latlon grid - Added by Ralf Mueller about 8 years ago

Hi Artur!

I used as input an checked remapping with

% cdo remapbil,mygrid.txt
% cdo remapycon,mygrid.txt

Both commands ran without issues (results uploaded). For comparison I plotted the original data and both results.


do this look ok? I used the latest 1.7.2 release .


RE: Convert COSMO-DE data from rotated to latlon grid - Added by Artur Kubik about 8 years ago

Hi Ralf,

yeah it looks better than my tests, thank you! But unfortunately the east of Germany is missing.
I think the original COSMO-DE data covers all of Germany and a little bit beyond.
Like shown here:

This should be the same domain, right?
Maybe the mygrid file is wrong?


RE: Convert COSMO-DE data from rotated to latlon grid - Added by Ralf Mueller about 8 years ago

IMO this is due to missing locations in your mygrid.txt. Change it and rerun the commands - this should do it.

RE: Convert COSMO-DE data from rotated to latlon grid - Added by Ashwin D almost 6 years ago

I am a bit late to this thread but I have the same issue. I need to convert COSMO rotated lat lon grid data to a lat lon grid for plotting purposes. My only question is in the remapping part - should we not first convert to a geographical projection first and then convert to a lat lon grid or does CDO does that automatically for us ?

RE: Convert COSMO-DE data from rotated to latlon grid - Added by Ashwin D almost 6 years ago

Ashwin D wrote:

I am a bit late to this thread but I have the same issue. I need to convert COSMO rotated lat lon grid data to a lat lon grid for plotting purposes. My only question is in the remapping part - should we not first convert to a geographical projection and then convert to a lat lon grid or does CDO does that automatically for us ?

RE: Convert COSMO-DE data from rotated to latlon grid - Added by Uwe Schulzweida almost 6 years ago

The remapping in CDO does that automatically for rotated lon/lat grids.
