Unsupported DRS Type = 4 When Converting from Netcdf to GRIB2
Added by Aaron Perry about 8 years ago
I am trying to convert a netcdf file to GRIB. The netcdf file contains only one variable that is pseudo-defined, maximum temperature.
Command Line Code:
cdo -f grb2 -setparam,4.0.0 -setlevel,2 -setltype,103 -setmissval,-999.99 /home/weather/conus.max2m.nc /home/weather/conus.max2m.grib2<br />
After running this code, there are no errors in the terminal output:
[[cdo(2) setlevel: Started child process "setltype,103 -setmissval,-999.99 /home/weather/conus.max2m.nc (pipe2.1)".
cdo(3) setltype: Started child process "setmissval,-999.99 /home/weather/conus.max2m.nc (pipe3.1)".
cdo(4) setmissval: Processed 126828 values from 1 variable over 1 timestep ( 0.03s )
cdo(3) setltype: Processed 126828 values from 1 variable over 1 timestep ( 0.03s )
cdo(2) setlevel: Processed 126828 values from 1 variable over 1 timestep ( 0.03s )
When I go to view the new GRIB2 file in Panoply ([[https://www.giss.nasa.gov/tools/panoply/]]), the software throws the following error:
[[There was an error preparing the data:
unsupported DRS type = 4]]
Replies (2)
RE: Unsupported DRS Type = 4 When Converting from Netcdf to GRIB2 - Added by Ralf Mueller about 8 years ago
Hi Aaron!
how about the nc file? is panoply able to plot it?
RE: Unsupported DRS Type = 4 When Converting from Netcdf to GRIB2 - Added by Aaron Perry about 8 years ago
Hi Ralf, it opens just fine in Panoply! (see attached image)