Can I use ml2hl for CCSM4(CAM4) Wind results?
Added by Leilane Passos about 8 years ago
I need interpolate CCSM4 wind from hybrid-sigma level for 10m height. I need CCSM4 wind (U e V) in 10m height for put it in a Hydrodynamical model (ROMS) like forcing file;
Fisrt, I interpolated hybrid-sigma level for pressure using ml2pl, making ("hyai=hyai*100000;hyam=hyam*100000;") before the interpolation like explain Uwe in this post ( and seems to work. I interpolated for pressure just for tests.
So then, I interpolated hybrid-sigma level for height using ml2hl (making ("hyai=hyai*100000;hyam=hyam*100000;" before the interpolation) and seems to work too, but in the first height levels, like 10m (that I need), the interpolation results in fill values.
cdo -delname,sp \
-ml2hl,"$height" \
-selname,sp,V \
-chname,PS,sp \ \
I try use ml2hlx for extrapolate values, and this command make the grid positions before with fill values to have the same values, in other words, the first levels of height are constant.
1) Can I use this CDO commands (ml2pl and ml2hl) for CCSM4 model results?
If the answer for the above question is yes, 2) Use ml2hlx is the right way to resolve my fill values problem?
My CDO version is 1.6.9.