


5day Average (Pentads) in cdo

Added by Lyndon Mark Olaguera over 8 years ago

Hi all,

I have daily data of rainfall from 1981-2007 in netcdf format. I want to compute for the pentads of each year and the pentad of the daily climatology (ydaymean from 1981-2007).
I found one forum in cdo about this using the following commands:

cdo timselmean,5 ifile ofile

But this can only be used for years with 365 days. For years with 366 days (such 1984, 1988, 1992, 1996, 2000, 2004), February 29 should be included in the last pentad of february.

Can you suggest any simple methods to loop this in cdo?

I hope you can help me.

Many thanks,


Replies (3)

RE: 5day Average (Pentads) in cdo - Added by Ralf Mueller over 8 years ago


whats the definition of pentad. five days of consecutive rain days?

RE: 5day Average (Pentads) in cdo - Added by Lyndon Mark Olaguera over 8 years ago


The pentad is the mean over 5 days of consecutive rains. For one year there should be 73 pentads(365/5).

RE: 5day Average (Pentads) in cdo - Added by Ralf Mueller over 8 years ago

but what if there is no rain at some locations? how can you prescribe the number of these pentands without the knowlege about the existence of rain? if there is no rain, shouldn't there be no pentads?

If it's just a simple 5-day-mean (without any consecutiveness) I recommend to delte the 29th of Feb., because you want to do a daily climatology.
