Issue converting netcdf to grib file due to parameters not recognized
Added by Justin Balbierer over 8 years ago
I am attempting to convert a netcdf file to grib for ingest into AWIPS II.
The issue I run into is the parameters are not recognized in the grib api.
Any thoughts on how I might be able to go about it?
The file is attached.
Replies (2)
RE: Issue converting netcdf to grib file due to parameters not recognized - Added by Ralf Mueller over 8 years ago
If the parameters are available in grib2 tabes, but have different names, you can rename variables with
cdo chnameor
If not, you can define them as a local extensions within your grib_api
installation. But for distribution you'll have to share tabled and the data.
RE: Issue converting netcdf to grib file due to parameters not recognized - Added by Tessa Bakhshaii over 8 years ago
I have similar problem with wrfout in Lambert system. cdo doesn't recognize the grid. Any help will be appreciated.