


Error copying several files into one, message error does not apply

Added by Anonymous over 8 years ago

Dear all,

I have 30 NetCDF files, of daily geopotential height, one per year (from 1986 to 2015), and I am using cdo to put them together using the following, easy:

$ cdo copy *.nc

However, this error occurs:

cdo copy (Abort): Input streams have different number of variables per timestep!

But they all have only one variable, hgt. The output file is created and stops at 12 Dec 2013. I have checked all the files and they all have the exact same structure. Not a comma different.

Any idea of what may be causing this error? For sure, all the files have the same number of variables - the message error does not apply to this case.

I am uploading the files to Google Drive:

Thank you!

Replies (1)

RE: Error copying several files into one, message error does not apply - Added by Anonymous over 8 years ago

Adding info, the bad apple is the 2014 file. But it seems identical to the others (see image).

screen (82.7 KB) screen