


setting up cdo in cygwin

Added by Kate Ward over 8 years ago


I am trying to set up my windows laptop to run the suite of climate software that I've previously used on unix terminals: specifically ncl, cdo, nco and grads.

I have successfully installed cygwin, but the 32 bit version as this is what ncl says it needs. ncl, grads and nco are now all working fine, but I am struggling with cdo.

I have placed the only executable that I can find (cdo-1.6.9-cygwin64-static-hdf5-1.8.14) in a directory that is referred to in my PATH. When I type in a cdo command it seems to think for while, then returns me to the prompt without an error,but there's no sign of an output file. I don't know if the prob is due to using 32bit cygwin or something else that I've missed. Any suggestions please?

I should add that I am a complete novice at setting up this sort of thing, having always had access to systems that were already set up and working.
