Trying to convert non-normal, generic grid to a 1o x 1o lat/lon grid
Added by Tyler Herrington over 8 years ago
I received a Rutgers Snow Lab netCDF containing monthly averaged snow cover values with a generic grid (dim = 7921, nx=89, ny=89) that I am trying to convert to a regular grid, however remapbil doesn't work (as lat/long are not coordinate values - merely just a variable), so I am unsure of what to use in order to convert the file to a regular grid?
I saw one community post discuss the use of genbil as a possible solution, but I believe that genbil requires lat/long to be coordinate variables?
Thank You,
Tyler Herrington (53.9 MB) | Monthly Mean snow cover values (non-normal, generic grid) |
Replies (2)
RE: Trying to convert non-normal, generic grid to a 1o x 1o lat/lon grid - Added by Uwe Schulzweida over 8 years ago
You have to add a coordinates attribute to all data arrays. Use the NCO tool ncatted for this task. Here is an example:
ncatted -a coordinates,landmask,c,c,"lat lon" ncatted -a coordinates,gridarea,c,c,"lat lon" ncatted -a coordinates,snowcover,c,c,"lat lon" ncatted -a coordinates,areacoverage,c,c,"lat lon" RutgersSnow.mon.mean.ncCheers,
RE: Trying to convert non-normal, generic grid to a 1o x 1o lat/lon grid - Added by Tyler Herrington over 8 years ago
Hi Uwe - thank you for the suggestion.
I will give that a go.