


Problem with converting grib file to netcdf

Added by Chen Sch over 8 years ago


I am having some problems with converting grib files to netcdf using CDO.
I downloaded a grib file from the ECMWF data app, and when I am trying to use grib_to_netcdf command (on Cygwin), it says that there is no such file (the file is in the same directory as the cdo.exe file).
The file is attached.

Any help will be appreciated!


Replies (5)

RE: Problem with converting grib file to netcdf - Added by Ralf Mueller over 8 years ago

Not sure, whou you exactly did, but I did

cdo -f nc copy filetry.grib

output uploaded

RE: Problem with converting grib file to netcdf - Added by Chen Sch over 8 years ago

Thanks for the answer.
When I try to run "cdo -f nc copy filetry.grib", it writes that the command not found.


RE: Problem with converting grib file to netcdf - Added by Chen Sch over 8 years ago

Are there any packages for Cygwin I need to install?


RE: Problem with converting grib file to netcdf - Added by Ralf Mueller over 8 years ago

PLease have a look here: Win32. When you use the pre-build cygwin binary, you should install the development packaged of

  • netcdf
  • udunits
  • libproj

If the error is

command not found
you have to change the $PATH variable, or copy cdo.exe to /usr/bin. Just in case: You have to use the cygwin terminal for that.


your grib file it GRIB2, which is not supported on cygwin! I personally didn.t manage to compile grib_api on cygwin, yet ;-/

RE: Problem with converting grib file to netcdf - Added by Ralf Mueller over 8 years ago

here's a CDO binary for cygwin with grib support

I could work on your upload on my cygwin machine with it


cdo (22.7 MB) cdo