


masregion problem with NetCDF4 files

Added by Philipp Stanzel over 8 years ago


I am perfectly able to reproduce the maskregion procedure with the files provided as example here:
The nc-file provided has NetCDF format.

But the command does not work with my nc-files, which have NetCDF4 classic or NetCDF4 classic ZIP format. I post again the myregion-file provided in the above example and 2 of my nc-files.

My CDO is 1.7.2.

Thank you for your help!

Replies (2)

RE: masregion problem with NetCDF4 files - Added by Uwe Schulzweida over 8 years ago

The CDO operator maskregion is implemented only for data on a regular lon/lat grids. Your data is on a curvilinear grid. Unfortunately a warning message is missing for this case. We will add it to the next CDO release.

RE: masregion problem with NetCDF4 files - Added by Philipp Stanzel over 8 years ago

Thank you very much for the explanation!
