


Ocean boundaries

Added by Anonymous about 13 years ago


I would like to split data on the oceans using "cdo maskregion,myregion ifile ofile". Could you please advise me where I can find or how to make a file like "myregion" with the polygon (coordinates) for the boundaries of oceans.

Thanks in advance


Replies (2)

RE: Ocean boundaries - Added by Ralf Mueller about 13 years ago

maskregion is only for regular boxes, not for general polygons. But it seems to me, that you actually want to apply a land-see-mask to your data, right?

If you have such a file with the same resolution as your ifile, you can use div, ifthen or other conditional operators. Applying such masks is a quite common procedure, so you might get one of these files easily.

Or you create one yourself taking into account, that it might not exactly fit to your grid/model/resolution:
  • for NetCDF output
     cdo -f nc -remapnn,ifile -gtc,0 -topo 
  • for GRIB output
     cdo -remapnn,ifile -gtc,0 -topo land-see-mask.grb 

RE: Ocean boundaries - Added by Anonymous about 13 years ago

Thank you for your replay, as I can see from the description of maskregion "A region is defined by a polygon". It means that this polygon can have a free shape. Is it right?
What I'm looking for is basically the boundaries of oceans. I would like to extract mean values for/over each ocean from grib files.
