Was: problem ussing cdo operators with lcc grid
Added by George Loriot almost 9 years ago
I'm still having a cdo problem, where a cdo file copy truncated the new grib2 file compared to the original. At first I thought this had to do with the lcc grid that the data is mapped onto, but here's new info. If I 'cdo copy' or 'cdo duplicate', an error message ensues and the resulting copied or duplicated file is truncated. But the first (duplicated) set of variables have correct values. For for original grib2 file, I display the number of variables:
cdo npar <original grib2 file>
Warning (gribapiScanTimestep1) : Record 15 (name=10si id=1.2.0 lev1=10 lev2=0) timestep 1: Inconsistent verification time!
gribapiGetTsteptype : Time stepType multiple steps unsupported, set to instant!
cdo npar: Processed 45 variables ( 0.50s )
So we start with 45 variables, as expected. There is only one timestep in the file so the warning is also expected. Then duplicate the file
cdo -f grb2 duplicate <original grib2 file> <new grib2 file>
Warning (gribapiScanTimestep1) : Record 15 (name=10si id=1.2.0 lev1=10 lev2=0) timestep 1: Inconsistent verification time!
gribapiGetTsteptype : Time stepType multiple steps unsupported, set to instant!
stream_gribapi.c at line 1674: my_grib_set_long(gh, "indicatorOfUnitForTimeRange", unitsOfTime) failed: Key/value not found
Same error as in the previous problem; if does create w new grib2 file but now the new grib2 file has only 14 variables:
cdo npar <new grib2 file>
Warning (gribapiScanTimestep1) : Record 15 (name=10si id=1.2.0 lev1=10 lev2=0) timestep 1: Inconsistent verification time!
gribapiGetTsteptype : Time stepType multiple steps unsupported, set to instant!
cdo npar: Processed 14 variables ( 0.16s )
I listed the variables and they are the same up until the truncation, and since there're on the lcc grid it may be that the lcc grid is not the problem. Is there something about the "indicatorOfUnitForTimeRange" field that can be fixed?
Does this ring a bell with anyone? cdo is version 1.6.9. Any idea what I'm doing wrong?
Thanks for any help with this matter.
George Loriot
Department of Atmospheric Sciences
Lyndonville State College
Lyndonville, VT
Replies (7)
RE: Was: problem ussing cdo operators with lcc grid - Added by Jaison-Thomas Ambadan almost 9 years ago
Hi, It's not easy to diagnose the error/problem without the [input] file, so please upload the file + "cdo -V" info here.
Also, you may try converting your GRIB2 to NetCDF using the NCL tool ncl_convert2nc or wgrib2 or the GRIB_API tool grib_to_netcdf, and then use CDO.
RE: Was: problem ussing cdo operators with lcc grid - Added by George Loriot almost 9 years ago
Thanks - I'll attach the input grib2 file to this reply. It has 45 variables and an lcc grid, and the IDV plotting program opens it and plots it without error. My cdo -V output is
Climate Data Operators version 1.6.9 (http://mpimet.mpg.de/cdo)
Compiled: by loriotg on kangaroo.lsc.vsc.edu (x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu) Dec 3 2015 14:28:02
Compiler: gcc -std=gnu99 -fPIC -fopenmp
version: gcc (GCC) 4.4.7 20120313 (Red Hat 4.4.7-16)
Libraries: proj/4.92
Filetypes: srv ext ieg grb grb2 nc
CDI library version : 1.6.9 of Dec 3 2015 14:21:50
CGRIBEX library version : 1.7.2 of Apr 22 2015 13:44:04
GRIB_API library version : 1.12.3
netCDF library version : "3.6.3" of Jun 29 2008 11:30:28 $
SERVICE library version : 1.3.2 of Dec 3 2015 14:20:24
EXTRA library version : 1.3.2 of Dec 3 2015 14:19:42
IEG library version : 1.3.3 of Dec 3 2015 14:20:09
FILE library version : 1.8.2 of Dec 3 2015 14:19:47
Thnaks for any help. Again, every cdo operator except for info operators seems to fail after processing the first 14 variables.
George Loriot
RE: Was: problem ussing cdo operators with lcc grid - Added by Jaison-Thomas Ambadan almost 9 years ago
It looks like CDO & NCL cannot handle your GRIB file:
cdo sinfon (Warning): Subtypes are unsupported, the processing results are possibly wrong!
& ncl_filedump gives:
fatal:NclGRIB2: Invalid Product Definition Template. fatal:Could not open (ncar_3km_2016042600_mem1_f000.grb2)
I don't know the exact reason why CDO/NCL fails - may be Uwe/Ralf can give a more detailed explanation on this matter.
Fortunately wgrib2 works, so I suggest you convert your file to netcdf using wgrib2:
wgrib2 -nc4 -netcdf ofile.nc ncar_3km_2016042600_mem1_f000.grb2
Now CDO can handle the file without any problem.
here is ncdump -h ofile.nc:
netcdf ifile { dimensions: y = 985 ; x = 1580 ; time = UNLIMITED ; // (1 currently) variables: double y(y) ; y:long_name = "y coordinate of projection" ; y:standard_name = "projection_y_coordinate" ; y:units = "m" ; y:grid_spacing = 3000. ; double x(x) ; x:long_name = "x coordinate of projection" ; x:standard_name = "projection_x_coordinate" ; x:units = "m" ; x:grid_spacing = 3000. ; double latitude(y, x) ; latitude:units = "degrees_north" ; latitude:long_name = "latitude" ; double longitude(y, x) ; longitude:units = "degrees_east" ; longitude:long_name = "longitude" ; double time(time) ; time:units = "seconds since 1970-01-01 00:00:00.0 0:00" ; time:long_name = "verification time generated by wgrib2 function verftime()" ; time:reference_time = 1461628800. ; time:reference_time_type = 1 ; time:reference_date = "2016.04.26 00:00:00 UTC" ; time:reference_time_description = "analyses, reference date is fixed" ; time:time_step_setting = "auto" ; time:time_step = 0. ; float PRES_meansealevel(time, y, x) ; PRES_meansealevel:_FillValue = 9.999e+20f ; PRES_meansealevel:short_name = "PRES_meansealevel" ; PRES_meansealevel:long_name = "Pressure" ; PRES_meansealevel:level = "mean sea level" ; PRES_meansealevel:units = "Pa" ; PRES_meansealevel:coordinates = "longitude latitude" ; float REFC_entireatmosphere(time, y, x) ; REFC_entireatmosphere:_FillValue = 9.999e+20f ; REFC_entireatmosphere:short_name = "REFC_entireatmosphere" ; REFC_entireatmosphere:long_name = "Composite reflectivity" ; REFC_entireatmosphere:level = "entire atmosphere" ; REFC_entireatmosphere:units = "dB" ; REFC_entireatmosphere:coordinates = "longitude latitude" ; float VIS_surface(time, y, x) ; VIS_surface:_FillValue = 9.999e+20f ; VIS_surface:short_name = "VIS_surface" ; VIS_surface:long_name = "Visibility" ; VIS_surface:level = "surface" ; VIS_surface:units = "m" ; VIS_surface:coordinates = "longitude latitude" ; float MAXUVV_400M1000mbaboveground(time, y, x) ; MAXUVV_400M1000mbaboveground:_FillValue = 9.999e+20f ; MAXUVV_400M1000mbaboveground:short_name = "MAXUVV_400M1000mbaboveground" ; MAXUVV_400M1000mbaboveground:long_name = "Hourly Maximum of Upward Vertical Velocity in the lowest 400hPa" ; MAXUVV_400M1000mbaboveground:level = "400-1000 mb above ground" ; MAXUVV_400M1000mbaboveground:units = "m/s" ; MAXUVV_400M1000mbaboveground:coordinates = "longitude latitude" ; float REFD_4000maboveground(time, y, x) ; REFD_4000maboveground:_FillValue = 9.999e+20f ; REFD_4000maboveground:short_name = "REFD_4000maboveground" ; REFD_4000maboveground:long_name = "Reflectivity" ; REFD_4000maboveground:level = "4000 m above ground" ; REFD_4000maboveground:units = "dB" ; REFD_4000maboveground:coordinates = "longitude latitude" ; float REFD_1000maboveground(time, y, x) ; REFD_1000maboveground:_FillValue = 9.999e+20f ; REFD_1000maboveground:short_name = "REFD_1000maboveground" ; REFD_1000maboveground:long_name = "Reflectivity" ; REFD_1000maboveground:level = "1000 m above ground" ; REFD_1000maboveground:units = "dB" ; REFD_1000maboveground:coordinates = "longitude latitude" ; float UPHL_2000M5000maboveground(time, y, x) ; UPHL_2000M5000maboveground:_FillValue = 9.999e+20f ; UPHL_2000M5000maboveground:short_name = "UPHL_2000M5000maboveground" ; UPHL_2000M5000maboveground:long_name = "Updraft Helicity" ; UPHL_2000M5000maboveground:level = "2000-5000 m above ground" ; UPHL_2000M5000maboveground:units = "m^2/s^2" ; UPHL_2000M5000maboveground:coordinates = "longitude latitude" ; float var0_17_2_entireatmosphere(time, y, x) ; var0_17_2_entireatmosphere:_FillValue = 9.999e+20f ; var0_17_2_entireatmosphere:short_name = "var0_17_2_entireatmosphere" ; var0_17_2_entireatmosphere:long_name = "desc" ; var0_17_2_entireatmosphere:level = "entire atmosphere" ; var0_17_2_entireatmosphere:units = "unit" ; var0_17_2_entireatmosphere:coordinates = "longitude latitude" ; float var0_17_3_entireatmosphere(time, y, x) ; var0_17_3_entireatmosphere:_FillValue = 9.999e+20f ; var0_17_3_entireatmosphere:short_name = "var0_17_3_entireatmosphere" ; var0_17_3_entireatmosphere:long_name = "desc" ; var0_17_3_entireatmosphere:level = "entire atmosphere" ; var0_17_3_entireatmosphere:units = "unit" ; var0_17_3_entireatmosphere:coordinates = "longitude latitude" ; float var0_17_4_entireatmosphere(time, y, x) ; var0_17_4_entireatmosphere:_FillValue = 9.999e+20f ; var0_17_4_entireatmosphere:short_name = "var0_17_4_entireatmosphere" ; var0_17_4_entireatmosphere:long_name = "desc" ; var0_17_4_entireatmosphere:level = "entire atmosphere" ; var0_17_4_entireatmosphere:units = "unit" ; var0_17_4_entireatmosphere:coordinates = "longitude latitude" ; float TMP_2maboveground(time, y, x) ; TMP_2maboveground:_FillValue = 9.999e+20f ; TMP_2maboveground:short_name = "TMP_2maboveground" ; TMP_2maboveground:long_name = "Temperature" ; TMP_2maboveground:level = "2 m above ground" ; TMP_2maboveground:units = "K" ; TMP_2maboveground:coordinates = "longitude latitude" ; float DPT_2maboveground(time, y, x) ; DPT_2maboveground:_FillValue = 9.999e+20f ; DPT_2maboveground:short_name = "DPT_2maboveground" ; DPT_2maboveground:long_name = "Dew Point Temperature" ; DPT_2maboveground:level = "2 m above ground" ; DPT_2maboveground:units = "K" ; DPT_2maboveground:coordinates = "longitude latitude" ; float UGRD_10maboveground(time, y, x) ; UGRD_10maboveground:_FillValue = 9.999e+20f ; UGRD_10maboveground:short_name = "UGRD_10maboveground" ; UGRD_10maboveground:long_name = "U-Component of Wind" ; UGRD_10maboveground:level = "10 m above ground" ; UGRD_10maboveground:units = "m/s" ; UGRD_10maboveground:coordinates = "longitude latitude" ; float VGRD_10maboveground(time, y, x) ; VGRD_10maboveground:_FillValue = 9.999e+20f ; VGRD_10maboveground:short_name = "VGRD_10maboveground" ; VGRD_10maboveground:long_name = "V-Component of Wind" ; VGRD_10maboveground:level = "10 m above ground" ; VGRD_10maboveground:units = "m/s" ; VGRD_10maboveground:coordinates = "longitude latitude" ; float WIND_10maboveground(time, y, x) ; WIND_10maboveground:_FillValue = 9.999e+20f ; WIND_10maboveground:short_name = "WIND_10maboveground" ; WIND_10maboveground:long_name = "Wind Speed" ; WIND_10maboveground:level = "10 m above ground" ; WIND_10maboveground:units = "m/s" ; WIND_10maboveground:coordinates = "longitude latitude" ; float APCP_surface(time, y, x) ; APCP_surface:_FillValue = 9.999e+20f ; APCP_surface:short_name = "APCP_surface" ; APCP_surface:long_name = "Total Precipitation" ; APCP_surface:level = "surface" ; APCP_surface:units = "kg/m^2" ; APCP_surface:coordinates = "longitude latitude" ; float WEASD_surface(time, y, x) ; WEASD_surface:_FillValue = 9.999e+20f ; WEASD_surface:short_name = "WEASD_surface" ; WEASD_surface:long_name = "Water Equivalent of Accumulated Snow Depth" ; WEASD_surface:level = "surface" ; WEASD_surface:units = "kg/m^2" ; WEASD_surface:coordinates = "longitude latitude" ; float SNOL_surface(time, y, x) ; SNOL_surface:_FillValue = 9.999e+20f ; SNOL_surface:short_name = "SNOL_surface" ; SNOL_surface:long_name = "Large-Scale Snow" ; SNOL_surface:level = "surface" ; SNOL_surface:units = "kg/m^2" ; SNOL_surface:coordinates = "longitude latitude" ; float CSNOW_surface(time, y, x) ; CSNOW_surface:_FillValue = 9.999e+20f ; CSNOW_surface:short_name = "CSNOW_surface" ; CSNOW_surface:long_name = "Categorical Snow" ; CSNOW_surface:level = "surface" ; CSNOW_surface:units = "-" ; CSNOW_surface:coordinates = "longitude latitude" ; float CICEP_surface(time, y, x) ; CICEP_surface:_FillValue = 9.999e+20f ; CICEP_surface:short_name = "CICEP_surface" ; CICEP_surface:long_name = "Categorical Ice Pellets" ; CICEP_surface:level = "surface" ; CICEP_surface:units = "-" ; CICEP_surface:coordinates = "longitude latitude" ; float CFRZR_surface(time, y, x) ; CFRZR_surface:_FillValue = 9.999e+20f ; CFRZR_surface:short_name = "CFRZR_surface" ; CFRZR_surface:long_name = "Categorical Freezing Rain" ; CFRZR_surface:level = "surface" ; CFRZR_surface:units = "-" ; CFRZR_surface:coordinates = "longitude latitude" ; float CRAIN_surface(time, y, x) ; CRAIN_surface:_FillValue = 9.999e+20f ; CRAIN_surface:short_name = "CRAIN_surface" ; CRAIN_surface:long_name = "Categorical Rain" ; CRAIN_surface:level = "surface" ; CRAIN_surface:units = "-" ; CRAIN_surface:coordinates = "longitude latitude" ; float var0_1_243_surface(time, y, x) ; var0_1_243_surface:_FillValue = 9.999e+20f ; var0_1_243_surface:short_name = "var0_1_243_surface" ; var0_1_243_surface:long_name = "desc" ; var0_1_243_surface:level = "surface" ; var0_1_243_surface:units = "unit" ; var0_1_243_surface:coordinates = "longitude latitude" ; float var0_1_244_surface(time, y, x) ; var0_1_244_surface:_FillValue = 9.999e+20f ; var0_1_244_surface:short_name = "var0_1_244_surface" ; var0_1_244_surface:long_name = "desc" ; var0_1_244_surface:level = "surface" ; var0_1_244_surface:units = "unit" ; var0_1_244_surface:coordinates = "longitude latitude" ; float LFTX_500M1000mb(time, y, x) ; LFTX_500M1000mb:_FillValue = 9.999e+20f ; LFTX_500M1000mb:short_name = "LFTX_500M1000mb" ; LFTX_500M1000mb:long_name = "Surface Lifted Index" ; LFTX_500M1000mb:level = "500-1000 mb" ; LFTX_500M1000mb:units = "K" ; LFTX_500M1000mb:coordinates = "longitude latitude" ; float CAPE_surface(time, y, x) ; CAPE_surface:_FillValue = 9.999e+20f ; CAPE_surface:short_name = "CAPE_surface" ; CAPE_surface:long_name = "Convective Available Potential Energy" ; CAPE_surface:level = "surface" ; CAPE_surface:units = "J/kg" ; CAPE_surface:coordinates = "longitude latitude" ; float CIN_surface(time, y, x) ; CIN_surface:_FillValue = 9.999e+20f ; CIN_surface:short_name = "CIN_surface" ; CIN_surface:long_name = "Convective Inhibition" ; CIN_surface:level = "surface" ; CIN_surface:units = "J/kg" ; CIN_surface:coordinates = "longitude latitude" ; float var0_7_200_surface(time, y, x) ; var0_7_200_surface:_FillValue = 9.999e+20f ; var0_7_200_surface:short_name = "var0_7_200_surface" ; var0_7_200_surface:long_name = "desc" ; var0_7_200_surface:level = "surface" ; var0_7_200_surface:units = "unit" ; var0_7_200_surface:coordinates = "longitude latitude" ; float var0_3_213_surface(time, y, x) ; var0_3_213_surface:_FillValue = 9.999e+20f ; var0_3_213_surface:short_name = "var0_3_213_surface" ; var0_3_213_surface:long_name = "desc" ; var0_3_213_surface:level = "surface" ; var0_3_213_surface:units = "unit" ; var0_3_213_surface:coordinates = "longitude latitude" ; float PWAT_entireatmosphere(time, y, x) ; PWAT_entireatmosphere:_FillValue = 9.999e+20f ; PWAT_entireatmosphere:short_name = "PWAT_entireatmosphere" ; PWAT_entireatmosphere:long_name = "Precipitable Water" ; PWAT_entireatmosphere:level = "entire atmosphere" ; PWAT_entireatmosphere:units = "kg/m^2" ; PWAT_entireatmosphere:coordinates = "longitude latitude" ; float HGT_cloudbase(time, y, x) ; HGT_cloudbase:_FillValue = 9.999e+20f ; HGT_cloudbase:short_name = "HGT_cloudbase" ; HGT_cloudbase:long_name = "Geopotential Height" ; HGT_cloudbase:level = "cloud base" ; HGT_cloudbase:units = "m" ; HGT_cloudbase:coordinates = "longitude latitude" ; float HGT_cloudceiling(time, y, x) ; HGT_cloudceiling:_FillValue = 9.999e+20f ; HGT_cloudceiling:short_name = "HGT_cloudceiling" ; HGT_cloudceiling:long_name = "Geopotential Height" ; HGT_cloudceiling:level = "cloud ceiling" ; HGT_cloudceiling:units = "m" ; HGT_cloudceiling:coordinates = "longitude latitude" ; float TMP_cloudtop(time, y, x) ; TMP_cloudtop:_FillValue = 9.999e+20f ; TMP_cloudtop:short_name = "TMP_cloudtop" ; TMP_cloudtop:long_name = "Temperature" ; TMP_cloudtop:level = "cloud top" ; TMP_cloudtop:units = "K" ; TMP_cloudtop:coordinates = "longitude latitude" ; float HLCY_3000M0maboveground(time, y, x) ; HLCY_3000M0maboveground:_FillValue = 9.999e+20f ; HLCY_3000M0maboveground:short_name = "HLCY_3000M0maboveground" ; HLCY_3000M0maboveground:long_name = "Storm Relative Helicity" ; HLCY_3000M0maboveground:level = "3000-0 m above ground" ; HLCY_3000M0maboveground:units = "m^2/s^2" ; HLCY_3000M0maboveground:coordinates = "longitude latitude" ; float HLCY_1000M0maboveground(time, y, x) ; HLCY_1000M0maboveground:_FillValue = 9.999e+20f ; HLCY_1000M0maboveground:short_name = "HLCY_1000M0maboveground" ; HLCY_1000M0maboveground:long_name = "Storm Relative Helicity" ; HLCY_1000M0maboveground:level = "1000-0 m above ground" ; HLCY_1000M0maboveground:units = "m^2/s^2" ; HLCY_1000M0maboveground:coordinates = "longitude latitude" ; float USTM_0M6000maboveground(time, y, x) ; USTM_0M6000maboveground:_FillValue = 9.999e+20f ; USTM_0M6000maboveground:short_name = "USTM_0M6000maboveground" ; USTM_0M6000maboveground:long_name = "U-Component Storm Motion" ; USTM_0M6000maboveground:level = "0-6000 m above ground" ; USTM_0M6000maboveground:units = "m/s" ; USTM_0M6000maboveground:coordinates = "longitude latitude" ; float VSTM_0M6000maboveground(time, y, x) ; VSTM_0M6000maboveground:_FillValue = 9.999e+20f ; VSTM_0M6000maboveground:short_name = "VSTM_0M6000maboveground" ; VSTM_0M6000maboveground:long_name = "V-Component Storm Motion" ; VSTM_0M6000maboveground:level = "0-6000 m above ground" ; VSTM_0M6000maboveground:units = "m/s" ; VSTM_0M6000maboveground:coordinates = "longitude latitude" ; float VUCSH_0M1000maboveground(time, y, x) ; VUCSH_0M1000maboveground:_FillValue = 9.999e+20f ; VUCSH_0M1000maboveground:short_name = "VUCSH_0M1000maboveground" ; VUCSH_0M1000maboveground:long_name = "Vertical U-Component Shear" ; VUCSH_0M1000maboveground:level = "0-1000 m above ground" ; VUCSH_0M1000maboveground:units = "1/s" ; VUCSH_0M1000maboveground:coordinates = "longitude latitude" ; float VVCSH_0M1000maboveground(time, y, x) ; VVCSH_0M1000maboveground:_FillValue = 9.999e+20f ; VVCSH_0M1000maboveground:short_name = "VVCSH_0M1000maboveground" ; VVCSH_0M1000maboveground:long_name = "Vertical V-Component Shear" ; VVCSH_0M1000maboveground:level = "0-1000 m above ground" ; VVCSH_0M1000maboveground:units = "1/s" ; VVCSH_0M1000maboveground:coordinates = "longitude latitude" ; float VUCSH_0M6000maboveground(time, y, x) ; VUCSH_0M6000maboveground:_FillValue = 9.999e+20f ; VUCSH_0M6000maboveground:short_name = "VUCSH_0M6000maboveground" ; VUCSH_0M6000maboveground:long_name = "Vertical U-Component Shear" ; VUCSH_0M6000maboveground:level = "0-6000 m above ground" ; VUCSH_0M6000maboveground:units = "1/s" ; VUCSH_0M6000maboveground:coordinates = "longitude latitude" ; float VVCSH_0M6000maboveground(time, y, x) ; VVCSH_0M6000maboveground:_FillValue = 9.999e+20f ; VVCSH_0M6000maboveground:short_name = "VVCSH_0M6000maboveground" ; VVCSH_0M6000maboveground:long_name = "Vertical V-Component Shear" ; VVCSH_0M6000maboveground:level = "0-6000 m above ground" ; VVCSH_0M6000maboveground:units = "1/s" ; VVCSH_0M6000maboveground:coordinates = "longitude latitude" ; float HGT_tropopause(time, y, x) ; HGT_tropopause:_FillValue = 9.999e+20f ; HGT_tropopause:short_name = "HGT_tropopause" ; HGT_tropopause:long_name = "Geopotential Height" ; HGT_tropopause:level = "tropopause" ; HGT_tropopause:units = "m" ; HGT_tropopause:coordinates = "longitude latitude" ; float CAPE_180M0mbaboveground(time, y, x) ; CAPE_180M0mbaboveground:_FillValue = 9.999e+20f ; CAPE_180M0mbaboveground:short_name = "CAPE_180M0mbaboveground" ; CAPE_180M0mbaboveground:long_name = "Convective Available Potential Energy" ; CAPE_180M0mbaboveground:level = "180-0 mb above ground" ; CAPE_180M0mbaboveground:units = "J/kg" ; CAPE_180M0mbaboveground:coordinates = "longitude latitude" ; float CIN_180M0mbaboveground(time, y, x) ; CIN_180M0mbaboveground:_FillValue = 9.999e+20f ; CIN_180M0mbaboveground:short_name = "CIN_180M0mbaboveground" ; CIN_180M0mbaboveground:long_name = "Convective Inhibition" ; CIN_180M0mbaboveground:level = "180-0 mb above ground" ; CIN_180M0mbaboveground:units = "J/kg" ; CIN_180M0mbaboveground:coordinates = "longitude latitude" ; float var0_7_200_180M0mbaboveground(time, y, x) ; var0_7_200_180M0mbaboveground:_FillValue = 9.999e+20f ; var0_7_200_180M0mbaboveground:short_name = "var0_7_200_180M0mbaboveground" ; var0_7_200_180M0mbaboveground:long_name = "desc" ; var0_7_200_180M0mbaboveground:level = "180-0 mb above ground" ; var0_7_200_180M0mbaboveground:units = "unit" ; var0_7_200_180M0mbaboveground:coordinates = "longitude latitude" ; float var0_3_213_180M0mbaboveground(time, y, x) ; var0_3_213_180M0mbaboveground:_FillValue = 9.999e+20f ; var0_3_213_180M0mbaboveground:short_name = "var0_3_213_180M0mbaboveground" ; var0_3_213_180M0mbaboveground:long_name = "desc" ; var0_3_213_180M0mbaboveground:level = "180-0 mb above ground" ; var0_3_213_180M0mbaboveground:units = "unit" ; var0_3_213_180M0mbaboveground:coordinates = "longitude latitude" ; float HGT_levelofadiabaticcondensationfromsfc(time, y, x) ; HGT_levelofadiabaticcondensationfromsfc:_FillValue = 9.999e+20f ; HGT_levelofadiabaticcondensationfromsfc:short_name = "HGT_levelofadiabaticcondensationfromsfc" ; HGT_levelofadiabaticcondensationfromsfc:long_name = "Geopotential Height" ; HGT_levelofadiabaticcondensationfromsfc:level = "level of adiabatic condensation from sfc" ; HGT_levelofadiabaticcondensationfromsfc:units = "m" ; HGT_levelofadiabaticcondensationfromsfc:coordinates = "longitude latitude" ; float CAPE_90M0mbaboveground(time, y, x) ; CAPE_90M0mbaboveground:_FillValue = 9.999e+20f ; CAPE_90M0mbaboveground:short_name = "CAPE_90M0mbaboveground" ; CAPE_90M0mbaboveground:long_name = "Convective Available Potential Energy" ; CAPE_90M0mbaboveground:level = "90-0 mb above ground" ; CAPE_90M0mbaboveground:units = "J/kg" ; CAPE_90M0mbaboveground:coordinates = "longitude latitude" ; float CIN_90M0mbaboveground(time, y, x) ; CIN_90M0mbaboveground:_FillValue = 9.999e+20f ; CIN_90M0mbaboveground:short_name = "CIN_90M0mbaboveground" ; CIN_90M0mbaboveground:long_name = "Convective Inhibition" ; CIN_90M0mbaboveground:level = "90-0 mb above ground" ; CIN_90M0mbaboveground:units = "J/kg" ; CIN_90M0mbaboveground:coordinates = "longitude latitude" ; float var0_7_200_90M0mbaboveground(time, y, x) ; var0_7_200_90M0mbaboveground:_FillValue = 9.999e+20f ; var0_7_200_90M0mbaboveground:short_name = "var0_7_200_90M0mbaboveground" ; var0_7_200_90M0mbaboveground:long_name = "desc" ; var0_7_200_90M0mbaboveground:level = "90-0 mb above ground" ; var0_7_200_90M0mbaboveground:units = "unit" ; var0_7_200_90M0mbaboveground:coordinates = "longitude latitude" ; float var0_3_213_90M0mbaboveground(time, y, x) ; var0_3_213_90M0mbaboveground:_FillValue = 9.999e+20f ; var0_3_213_90M0mbaboveground:short_name = "var0_3_213_90M0mbaboveground" ; var0_3_213_90M0mbaboveground:long_name = "desc" ; var0_3_213_90M0mbaboveground:level = "90-0 mb above ground" ; var0_3_213_90M0mbaboveground:units = "unit" ; var0_3_213_90M0mbaboveground:coordinates = "longitude latitude" ; float CAPE_255M0mbaboveground(time, y, x) ; CAPE_255M0mbaboveground:_FillValue = 9.999e+20f ; CAPE_255M0mbaboveground:short_name = "CAPE_255M0mbaboveground" ; CAPE_255M0mbaboveground:long_name = "Convective Available Potential Energy" ; CAPE_255M0mbaboveground:level = "255-0 mb above ground" ; CAPE_255M0mbaboveground:units = "J/kg" ; CAPE_255M0mbaboveground:coordinates = "longitude latitude" ; float CIN_255M0mbaboveground(time, y, x) ; CIN_255M0mbaboveground:_FillValue = 9.999e+20f ; CIN_255M0mbaboveground:short_name = "CIN_255M0mbaboveground" ; CIN_255M0mbaboveground:long_name = "Convective Inhibition" ; CIN_255M0mbaboveground:level = "255-0 mb above ground" ; CIN_255M0mbaboveground:units = "J/kg" ; CIN_255M0mbaboveground:coordinates = "longitude latitude" ; float var0_7_200_255M0mbaboveground(time, y, x) ; var0_7_200_255M0mbaboveground:_FillValue = 9.999e+20f ; var0_7_200_255M0mbaboveground:short_name = "var0_7_200_255M0mbaboveground" ; var0_7_200_255M0mbaboveground:long_name = "desc" ; var0_7_200_255M0mbaboveground:level = "255-0 mb above ground" ; var0_7_200_255M0mbaboveground:units = "unit" ; var0_7_200_255M0mbaboveground:coordinates = "longitude latitude" ; float var0_3_213_255M0mbaboveground(time, y, x) ; var0_3_213_255M0mbaboveground:_FillValue = 9.999e+20f ; var0_3_213_255M0mbaboveground:short_name = "var0_3_213_255M0mbaboveground" ; var0_3_213_255M0mbaboveground:long_name = "desc" ; var0_3_213_255M0mbaboveground:level = "255-0 mb above ground" ; var0_3_213_255M0mbaboveground:units = "unit" ; var0_3_213_255M0mbaboveground:coordinates = "longitude latitude" ; float PLPL_255mbaboveground(time, y, x) ; PLPL_255mbaboveground:_FillValue = 9.999e+20f ; PLPL_255mbaboveground:short_name = "PLPL_255mbaboveground" ; PLPL_255mbaboveground:long_name = "Pressure of level from which parcel was lifted" ; PLPL_255mbaboveground:level = "255 mb above ground" ; PLPL_255mbaboveground:units = "Pa" ; PLPL_255mbaboveground:coordinates = "longitude latitude" ; float PVORT_320Kisentropiclevel(time, y, x) ; PVORT_320Kisentropiclevel:_FillValue = 9.999e+20f ; PVORT_320Kisentropiclevel:short_name = "PVORT_320Kisentropiclevel" ; PVORT_320Kisentropiclevel:long_name = "Potential Vorticity" ; PVORT_320Kisentropiclevel:level = "320 K isentropic level" ; PVORT_320Kisentropiclevel:units = "Km2kg-1s-1" ; PVORT_320Kisentropiclevel:coordinates = "longitude latitude" ; // global attributes: :Conventions = "CF-1.0" ; :History = "created by wgrib2" ; :GRIB2_grid_template = 30 ; }
and here is cdo sinfov ofile.nc:
cdo sinfov ofile.nc File format : NetCDF4 ZIP -1 : Institut Source Steptype Levels Num Points Num Dtype : Parameter name 1 : unknown unknown instant 1 1 1556300 1 F32z : PRES_meansealevel 2 : unknown unknown instant 1 1 1556300 1 F32z : REFC_entireatmosphere 3 : unknown unknown instant 1 1 1556300 1 F32z : VIS_surface 4 : unknown unknown instant 1 1 1556300 1 F32z : MAXUVV_400M1000mbaboveground 5 : unknown unknown instant 1 1 1556300 1 F32z : REFD_4000maboveground 6 : unknown unknown instant 1 1 1556300 1 F32z : REFD_1000maboveground 7 : unknown unknown instant 1 1 1556300 1 F32z : UPHL_2000M5000maboveground 8 : unknown unknown instant 1 1 1556300 1 F32z : var0_17_2_entireatmosphere 9 : unknown unknown instant 1 1 1556300 1 F32z : var0_17_3_entireatmosphere 10 : unknown unknown instant 1 1 1556300 1 F32z : var0_17_4_entireatmosphere 11 : unknown unknown instant 1 1 1556300 1 F32z : TMP_2maboveground 12 : unknown unknown instant 1 1 1556300 1 F32z : DPT_2maboveground 13 : unknown unknown instant 1 1 1556300 1 F32z : UGRD_10maboveground 14 : unknown unknown instant 1 1 1556300 1 F32z : VGRD_10maboveground 15 : unknown unknown instant 1 1 1556300 1 F32z : WIND_10maboveground 16 : unknown unknown instant 1 1 1556300 1 F32z : APCP_surface 17 : unknown unknown instant 1 1 1556300 1 F32z : WEASD_surface 18 : unknown unknown instant 1 1 1556300 1 F32z : SNOL_surface 19 : unknown unknown instant 1 1 1556300 1 F32z : CSNOW_surface 20 : unknown unknown instant 1 1 1556300 1 F32z : CICEP_surface 21 : unknown unknown instant 1 1 1556300 1 F32z : CFRZR_surface 22 : unknown unknown instant 1 1 1556300 1 F32z : CRAIN_surface 23 : unknown unknown instant 1 1 1556300 1 F32z : var0_1_243_surface 24 : unknown unknown instant 1 1 1556300 1 F32z : var0_1_244_surface 25 : unknown unknown instant 1 1 1556300 1 F32z : LFTX_500M1000mb 26 : unknown unknown instant 1 1 1556300 1 F32z : CAPE_surface 27 : unknown unknown instant 1 1 1556300 1 F32z : CIN_surface 28 : unknown unknown instant 1 1 1556300 1 F32z : var0_7_200_surface 29 : unknown unknown instant 1 1 1556300 1 F32z : var0_3_213_surface 30 : unknown unknown instant 1 1 1556300 1 F32z : PWAT_entireatmosphere 31 : unknown unknown instant 1 1 1556300 1 F32z : HGT_cloudbase 32 : unknown unknown instant 1 1 1556300 1 F32z : HGT_cloudceiling 33 : unknown unknown instant 1 1 1556300 1 F32z : TMP_cloudtop 34 : unknown unknown instant 1 1 1556300 1 F32z : HLCY_3000M0maboveground 35 : unknown unknown instant 1 1 1556300 1 F32z : HLCY_1000M0maboveground 36 : unknown unknown instant 1 1 1556300 1 F32z : USTM_0M6000maboveground 37 : unknown unknown instant 1 1 1556300 1 F32z : VSTM_0M6000maboveground 38 : unknown unknown instant 1 1 1556300 1 F32z : VUCSH_0M1000maboveground 39 : unknown unknown instant 1 1 1556300 1 F32z : VVCSH_0M1000maboveground 40 : unknown unknown instant 1 1 1556300 1 F32z : VUCSH_0M6000maboveground 41 : unknown unknown instant 1 1 1556300 1 F32z : VVCSH_0M6000maboveground 42 : unknown unknown instant 1 1 1556300 1 F32z : HGT_tropopause 43 : unknown unknown instant 1 1 1556300 1 F32z : CAPE_180M0mbaboveground 44 : unknown unknown instant 1 1 1556300 1 F32z : CIN_180M0mbaboveground 45 : unknown unknown instant 1 1 1556300 1 F32z : var0_7_200_180M0mbaboveground 46 : unknown unknown instant 1 1 1556300 1 F32z : var0_3_213_180M0mbaboveground 47 : unknown unknown instant 1 1 1556300 1 F32z : HGT_levelofadiabaticcondensationfromsfc 48 : unknown unknown instant 1 1 1556300 1 F32z : CAPE_90M0mbaboveground 49 : unknown unknown instant 1 1 1556300 1 F32z : CIN_90M0mbaboveground 50 : unknown unknown instant 1 1 1556300 1 F32z : var0_7_200_90M0mbaboveground 51 : unknown unknown instant 1 1 1556300 1 F32z : var0_3_213_90M0mbaboveground 52 : unknown unknown instant 1 1 1556300 1 F32z : CAPE_255M0mbaboveground 53 : unknown unknown instant 1 1 1556300 1 F32z : CIN_255M0mbaboveground 54 : unknown unknown instant 1 1 1556300 1 F32z : var0_7_200_255M0mbaboveground 55 : unknown unknown instant 1 1 1556300 1 F32z : var0_3_213_255M0mbaboveground 56 : unknown unknown instant 1 1 1556300 1 F32z : PLPL_255mbaboveground 57 : unknown unknown instant 1 1 1556300 1 F32z : PVORT_320Kisentropiclevel Grid coordinates : 1 : curvilinear : points=1556300 (1580x985) lon : 230.527 to 294.964 degrees_east lat : 21.8763 to 51.6524 degrees_north Vertical coordinates : 1 : surface : levels=1 Time coordinate : 1 step RefTime = 1970-01-01 00:00:00 Units = seconds Calendar = standard YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss 2016-04-26 00:00:00 cdo sinfon: Processed 57 variables over 1 timestep ( 0.03s )
hope this helps!
RE: Was: problem ussing cdo operators with lcc grid - Added by Jaison-Thomas Ambadan almost 9 years ago
it looks like the PDS is inconsistent, have a look at:
wgrib2 -Sec4 ncar_3km_2016042600_mem1_f000.grb2 1:0:Sec4 len=34 #vert coordinate=0 Product Defn Template=4.0 size=34 free=0 lvl1=101 scale=0 val=0 2:606851:Sec4 len=34 #vert coordinate=0 Product Defn Template=4.0 size=34 free=0 lvl1=10 scale=0 val=0 3:607039:Sec4 len=34 #vert coordinate=0 Product Defn Template=4.0 size=34 free=0 lvl1=1 scale=0 val=0 4:1618688:Sec4 len=34 #vert coordinate=0 Product Defn Template=4.0 size=34 free=0 lvl1=108 scale=0 val=40000 5:1618876:Sec4 len=34 #vert coordinate=0 Product Defn Template=4.0 size=34 free=0 lvl1=103 scale=0 val=4000 6:1619064:Sec4 len=34 #vert coordinate=0 Product Defn Template=4.0 size=34 free=0 lvl1=103 scale=0 val=1000 7:1619252:Sec4 len=34 #vert coordinate=0 Product Defn Template=4.0 size=34 free=0 lvl1=103 scale=0 val=2000 8:1619440:Sec4 len=34 #vert coordinate=0 Product Defn Template=4.0 size=34 free=0 lvl1=10 scale=0 val=0 9:1619628:Sec4 len=34 #vert coordinate=0 Product Defn Template=4.0 size=34 free=0 lvl1=10 scale=0 val=0 10:1619816:Sec4 len=34 #vert coordinate=0 Product Defn Template=4.0 size=34 free=0 lvl1=10 scale=0 val=0 11:1620004:Sec4 len=34 #vert coordinate=0 Product Defn Template=4.0 size=34 free=0 lvl1=103 scale=0 val=2 12:2534532:Sec4 len=34 #vert coordinate=0 Product Defn Template=4.0 size=34 free=0 lvl1=103 scale=0 val=2 13:3219706:Sec4 len=34 #vert coordinate=0 Product Defn Template=4.0 size=34 free=0 lvl1=103 scale=0 val=10 14:3704638:Sec4 len=34 #vert coordinate=0 Product Defn Template=4.0 size=34 free=0 lvl1=103 scale=0 val=10 15:4201896:Sec4 len=58 #vert coordinate=0 Product Defn Template=4.8 size=58 free=0 16:4202108:Sec4 len=58 #vert coordinate=0 Product Defn Template=4.8 size=58 free=0 17:4202320:Sec4 len=58 #vert coordinate=0 Product Defn Template=4.8 size=58 free=0 18:4202532:Sec4 len=58 #vert coordinate=0 Product Defn Template=4.8 size=58 free=0 19:4202744:Sec4 len=34 #vert coordinate=0 Product Defn Template=4.0 size=34 free=0 lvl1=1 scale=0 val=0 20:4202932:Sec4 len=34 #vert coordinate=0 Product Defn Template=4.0 size=34 free=0 lvl1=1 scale=0 val=0 21:4203120:Sec4 len=34 #vert coordinate=0 Product Defn Template=4.0 size=34 free=0 lvl1=1 scale=0 val=0 22:4203308:Sec4 len=34 #vert coordinate=0 Product Defn Template=4.0 size=34 free=0 lvl1=1 scale=0 val=0 23:4203496:Sec4 len=34 #vert coordinate=0 Product Defn Template=4.0 size=34 free=0 lvl1=1 scale=0 val=0 24:4203684:Sec4 len=34 #vert coordinate=0 Product Defn Template=4.0 size=34 free=0 lvl1=1 scale=0 val=0 25:4203872:Sec4 len=34 #vert coordinate=0 Product Defn Template=4.0 size=34 free=0 lvl1=100 scale=0 val=50000 26:4907970:Sec4 len=34 #vert coordinate=0 Product Defn Template=4.0 size=34 free=0 lvl1=1 scale=0 val=0 27:5361549:Sec4 len=34 #vert coordinate=0 Product Defn Template=4.0 size=34 free=0 lvl1=1 scale=0 val=0 28:5980099:Sec4 len=34 #vert coordinate=0 Product Defn Template=4.0 size=34 free=0 lvl1=1 scale=0 val=0 29:6837010:Sec4 len=34 #vert coordinate=0 Product Defn Template=4.0 size=34 free=0 lvl1=1 scale=0 val=0 30:7641137:Sec4 len=34 #vert coordinate=0 Product Defn Template=4.0 size=34 free=0 lvl1=10 scale=0 val=0 31:8176603:Sec4 len=34 #vert coordinate=0 Product Defn Template=4.0 size=34 free=0 lvl1=2 scale=0 val=0 32:8767359:Sec4 len=34 #vert coordinate=0 Product Defn Template=4.0 size=34 free=0 lvl1=215 scale=0 val=0 33:9262814:Sec4 len=34 #vert coordinate=0 Product Defn Template=4.0 size=34 free=0 lvl1=3 scale=0 val=0 34:9837108:Sec4 len=34 #vert coordinate=0 Product Defn Template=4.0 size=34 free=0 lvl1=103 scale=0 val=3000 35:10204745:Sec4 len=34 #vert coordinate=0 Product Defn Template=4.0 size=34 free=0 lvl1=103 scale=0 val=1000 36:10809748:Sec4 len=34 #vert coordinate=0 Product Defn Template=4.0 size=34 free=0 lvl1=103 scale=0 val=0 37:11283555:Sec4 len=34 #vert coordinate=0 Product Defn Template=4.0 size=34 free=0 lvl1=103 scale=0 val=0 38:11727397:Sec4 len=34 #vert coordinate=0 Product Defn Template=4.0 size=34 free=0 lvl1=103 scale=0 val=0 39:12287206:Sec4 len=34 #vert coordinate=0 Product Defn Template=4.0 size=34 free=0 lvl1=103 scale=0 val=0 40:12856514:Sec4 len=34 #vert coordinate=0 Product Defn Template=4.0 size=34 free=0 lvl1=103 scale=0 val=0 41:13391913:Sec4 len=34 #vert coordinate=0 Product Defn Template=4.0 size=34 free=0 lvl1=103 scale=0 val=0 42:13922336:Sec4 len=34 #vert coordinate=0 Product Defn Template=4.0 size=34 free=0 lvl1=7 scale=0 val=0 43:14789474:Sec4 len=34 #vert coordinate=0 Product Defn Template=4.0 size=34 free=0 lvl1=108 scale=0 val=18000 44:15265025:Sec4 len=34 #vert coordinate=0 Product Defn Template=4.0 size=34 free=0 lvl1=108 scale=0 val=18000 45:15862657:Sec4 len=34 #vert coordinate=0 Product Defn Template=4.0 size=34 free=0 lvl1=108 scale=0 val=18000 46:16761426:Sec4 len=34 #vert coordinate=0 Product Defn Template=4.0 size=34 free=0 lvl1=108 scale=0 val=18000 47:18112813:Sec4 len=34 #vert coordinate=0 Product Defn Template=4.0 size=34 free=0 lvl1=5 scale=0 val=0 48:19677270:Sec4 len=34 #vert coordinate=0 Product Defn Template=4.0 size=34 free=0 lvl1=108 scale=0 val=9000 49:20018623:Sec4 len=34 #vert coordinate=0 Product Defn Template=4.0 size=34 free=0 lvl1=108 scale=0 val=9000 50:20537208:Sec4 len=34 #vert coordinate=0 Product Defn Template=4.0 size=34 free=0 lvl1=108 scale=0 val=9000 51:21386571:Sec4 len=34 #vert coordinate=0 Product Defn Template=4.0 size=34 free=0 lvl1=108 scale=0 val=9000 52:22595244:Sec4 len=34 #vert coordinate=0 Product Defn Template=4.0 size=34 free=0 lvl1=108 scale=0 val=25500 53:23059350:Sec4 len=34 #vert coordinate=0 Product Defn Template=4.0 size=34 free=0 lvl1=108 scale=0 val=25500 54:23673640:Sec4 len=34 #vert coordinate=0 Product Defn Template=4.0 size=34 free=0 lvl1=108 scale=0 val=25500 55:24541844:Sec4 len=34 #vert coordinate=0 Product Defn Template=4.0 size=34 free=0 lvl1=108 scale=0 val=25500 56:25348563:Sec4 len=34 #vert coordinate=0 Product Defn Template=4.0 size=34 free=0 lvl1=108 scale=0 val=25500 57:26315824:Sec4 len=34 #vert coordinate=0 Product Defn Template=4.0 size=34 free=0 lvl1=107 scale=0 val=320
15-18 are inconsistent, that's why I think CDO processed only 14 variables, and NCL complains "Invalid Product Definition Template."
RE: Was: problem ussing cdo operators with lcc grid - Added by George Loriot almost 9 years ago
Thanks very much - I'll be trying your suggestions. I really appreciate the help.
George Loriot
RE: Was: problem ussing cdo operators with lcc grid - Added by Ralf Mueller almost 9 years ago
Jaison, you're awesome
RE: Was: problem ussing cdo operators with lcc grid - Added by Jaison-Thomas Ambadan almost 9 years ago
Jaison, you're awesome
Ralf, I'm just a faithful servant of the church of CDO!