Interpolate a rotated grid data to lonlat: remapcon does not work
Added by Sajjad Saeed almost 9 years ago
Dear all,
I have a similar problem as Marissa Castro. I want to regridd the COSMO CLM data from rotated grid to lonlat grid using remapcon function but i get an error
cdo remapcon (Abort): Grid corner missing!
I also tried remapycon and remapcon2 but got the same error. Here is the command i used
cdo remapcon,
I also tried to generate weights using genycon and gencon but got the same error as above.
Please find attached files.
I will very much appreciate you kind help in this regard.
Best regards
Sajjad (9.55 MB) | ||| (186 KB) |
Replies (3)
RE: Interpolate a rotated grid data to lonlat: remapcon does not work - Added by Jaison-Thomas Ambadan almost 9 years ago
Hi Sajjad,
The remapcon CDO operator needs grid corners -see Uwe's reply:
If NCL is available, you could use NCL regridding function curvilinear_to_SCRIP to generate equivalent SCRIP grid for your input file and then remapcon works with setgrid
Attached is an example NCL script and the SCRIP grid that I generated using your input file
cdo -remapcon, -setgrid,
Hope this help!
PS: you could use remapnn instead remapcon
curv_scrip.ncl (695 Bytes) curv_scrip.ncl | ||| (821 KB) |
RE: Interpolate a rotated grid data to lonlat: remapcon does not work - Added by Sajjad Saeed almost 9 years ago
Dear Jaison,
Nice to see your message and quick response on the above problem.
Thanks a lot. Hope you are doing well.
I will test it and will let you know is there is any problem.
Best regards
RE: Interpolate a rotated grid data to lonlat: remapcon does not work - Added by Wei Chow almost 9 years ago
Hi Sajjad,
I'm used to write a CDO grid description myself for COSMO-CLM
an example:
gridtype = lonlat
gridsize = 10000
xname = rlon
xlongname = rotated longitude
xunits = degrees
yname = rlat
ylongname = rotated latitude
yunits = degrees
xsize = 100
ysize = 100
xnpole = ?-162.0?
ynpole = ?39.25?
xfirst = ?-12.00?
xinc = ?0.22?
yfirst = ?-12.00?
yinc = ?0.22?
fill in xnpole/ynpole/xfirst/xinc/yfirst/yinc with your own CCLM settings
you can find those keywords' definition in CDO User's Guide
save above as a text file (e.g. grid_TPREC.txt)
cdo remapcon, -setgrid,grid_TPREC.txt
should works