


Interpolate a rotated grid data to lonlat: remapcon does not work

Added by Marissa Castro almost 9 years ago


It is the first time I am working with CDO and I am trying to interpolate a rotated grid data (from a CORDEX climate model for Central America) to geographic latlon.

1. I've used cdo sinfo to extract some characteristic of the file, the result was:

File format : netCDF4 classic ZIP
-1 : Institut Source Ttype Levels Num Points Num Dtype : Parameter ID
1 : unknown unknown instant 1 1 29190 1 F32z : -1
Grid coordinates :
1 : curvilinear : points=29190 (210x139)
lon : -127.584 to -19.4051 degrees_east
lat : -19.4624 to 46.38 degrees_north
Vertical coordinates :
1 : surface : levels=1
Time coordinate : 120 steps
RefTime = 1949-12-01 00:00:00 Units = days Calendar = standard Bounds = true
YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss
1951-01-16 12:00:00 1951-02-15 00:00:00 1951-03-16 12:00:00 1951-04-16 00:00:00
1951-05-16 12:00:00 1951-06-16 00:00:00 1951-07-16 12:00:00 1951-08-16 12:00:00
1951-09-16 00:00:00 1951-10-16 12:00:00 1951-11-16 00:00:00 1951-12-16 12:00:00
1952-01-16 12:00:00 1952-02-15 12:00:00 1952-03-16 12:00:00 1952-04-16 00:00:00
1952-05-16 12:00:00 1952-06-16 00:00:00 1952-07-16 12:00:00 1952-08-16 12:00:00
1952-09-16 00:00:00 1952-10-16 12:00:00 1952-11-16 00:00:00 1952-12-16 12:00:00
1953-01-16 12:00:00 1953-02-15 00:00:00 1953-03-16 12:00:00 1953-04-16 00:00:00
1953-05-16 12:00:00 1953-06-16 00:00:00 1953-07-16 12:00:00 1953-08-16 12:00:00
1953-09-16 00:00:00 1953-10-16 12:00:00 1953-11-16 00:00:00 1953-12-16 12:00:00
1954-01-16 12:00:00 1954-02-15 00:00:00 1954-03-16 12:00:00 1954-04-16 00:00:00
1954-05-16 12:00:00 1954-06-16 00:00:00 1954-07-16 12:00:00 1954-08-16 12:00:00
1954-09-16 00:00:00 1954-10-16 12:00:00 1954-11-16 00:00:00 1954-12-16 12:00:00
1955-01-16 12:00:00 1955-02-15 00:00:00 1955-03-16 12:00:00 1955-04-16 00:00:00
1955-05-16 12:00:00 1955-06-16 00:00:00 1955-07-16 12:00:00 1955-08-16 12:00:00
1955-09-16 00:00:00 1955-10-16 12:00:00 1955-11-16 00:00:00 1955-12-16 12:00:00
1956-01-16 12:00:00 1956-02-15 12:00:00 1956-03-16 12:00:00 1956-04-16 00:00:00
1956-05-16 12:00:00 1956-06-16 00:00:00 1956-07-16 12:00:00 1956-08-16 12:00:00
1956-09-16 00:00:00 1956-10-16 12:00:00 1956-11-16 00:00:00 1956-12-16 12:00:00
1957-01-16 12:00:00 1957-02-15 00:00:00 1957-03-16 12:00:00 1957-04-16 00:00:00
1957-05-16 12:00:00 1957-06-16 00:00:00 1957-07-16 12:00:00 1957-08-16 12:00:00
1957-09-16 00:00:00 1957-10-16 12:00:00 1957-11-16 00:00:00 1957-12-16 12:00:00
1958-01-16 12:00:00 1958-02-15 00:00:00 1958-03-16 12:00:00 1958-04-16 00:00:00
1958-05-16 12:00:00 1958-06-16 00:00:00 1958-07-16 12:00:00 1958-08-16 12:00:00
1958-09-16 00:00:00 1958-10-16 12:00:00 1958-11-16 00:00:00 1958-12-16 12:00:00
1959-01-16 12:00:00 1959-02-15 00:00:00 1959-03-16 12:00:00 1959-04-16 00:00:00
1959-05-16 12:00:00 1959-06-16 00:00:00 1959-07-16 12:00:00 1959-08-16 12:00:00
1959-09-16 00:00:00 1959-10-16 12:00:00 1959-11-16 00:00:00 1959-12-16 12:00:00
1960-01-16 12:00:00 1960-02-15 12:00:00 1960-03-16 12:00:00 1960-04-16 00:00:00
1960-05-16 12:00:00 1960-06-16 00:00:00 1960-07-16 12:00:00 1960-08-16 12:00:00
1960-09-16 00:00:00 1960-10-16 12:00:00 1960-11-16 00:00:00 1960-12-16 12:00:00
cdo sinfo: Processed 1 variable over 120 timesteps ( 0.03s )

2. I've created a grid description file (mygrid) with the following content:

gridtype = lonlat
gridsize = 29190
xname = lon
xlongname = longitude
xunits = degrees_east
yname = lat
ylongname = latitude
yunits = degrees_north
xsize = 210
ysize = 139
xfirst = -127
xinc = 0.44
yfirst = -20
yinc = 0.44

3. I've interpolated the file using:

cdo -f nc remapbil,mygrid

However, I read in a post that the best method is "remapcon" but when I try:

cdo -f nc remapcon,mygrid

The following error shows:

cdo remapcon (Abort): Grid corner missing!

Based on that I have some questions:

A. Was the grid description file (mygrid) created correctly?

B. Why is that remapcon seems not to work?

C. Between remapbil and remapcon, which of them is the most appropriate for my data?

Also, I attached my original file in case.

I will appreciate any help.
