


CDO removes part of my GRIB field header, can I solve it?

Added by Pau Escriba almost 9 years ago

Hello all,

I am new on CDO, and I am trying to do simple calculus like adding two GRIB files or multiplying all its fields by a constant. In particular adding two GRIB files is easier with CDO than with grib_api, at least from linux command line, that's why I want to do this. I do:

cdo mulc,0.333333 filein.grib1 fileout.grib1

What I find is while the values of the met parameters are correctly scaled in fileout.grib1, this file looses part of its GRIB header for each file. In particular, it looses all the info in section 1, from 41 to 106 GRIB registers. I am dealing with a file from ECMWF EPS (Ensemble Prediction System), that is in grib1. This removed registers are important because they content for example the number of ensemble member or the name of the experiment.

Does anyone know how can I do the cdo command above without loosing this information?

Thanks in advance.
