CDO 'error' in newer version when converting CMIP5 data for WRF
Added by Daniel Bannister almost 9 years ago
I am currently following the CORDEX WRF website, with the intention of ingesting CMIP5 data sets into the WRF model. When I get to the following section:
# cdo setzaxis,myzaxisinvert.dat
# cdo ml2pl,100000,97500,95000,92500,90000,87500,85000,82500,80000,77500,75000,70000,65000,60000,55000,50000,45000,40000,35000,30000,25000,22500,20000,17500,15000,12500,10000,7000,5000,3000
CDO is used to calculate the hybrid coordinates. However, 'errors' appear in the and files - the hybrid coordinates appear to be incorrect (i.e. hyai, hybi, hyam, hybm, ap, b, b_bounds etc.), and this throws off the vertically interpolated meteorological fields (e.g. the temperature is ridiculous warm at 100hPa). These 'errors' do not appear when I use the same code but with CDO versions 1.6.2 and 1.5.6rc3 - the grib files are created and all the vertical and near-surface fields look ok. The 'errors' occur when I use CDO version 1.6.9.
Could this be a version regression problem (something related to setzaxis and ml2pl), the compiler used, or something else?
Has anybody come across this problem before?