remapdis WITHOUT missing values, and INCREASING nieghbour points
Added by Merce Casas Prat over 9 years ago
Is there any way to do a spatial interpolation using either "distance-weighted average remapping" (remapdis) WITHOUT taking into account the missing values. Also can the number of surrounding points be increased somehow (default is 4)?
For example, to consider the 12 closest points, and doing the weighted mean WITHOUT considering possible missing values (ie omitting them and calculating the average from the rest of data)
I can think of ways of doing this myself with a script but it will be way too slow (this interpolation needs to be done for each time step of a long time series), so if I could use a cdo function or similar it would be great.
Replies (1)
RE: remapdis WITHOUT missing values, and INCREASING nieghbour points - Added by Merce Casas Prat over 9 years ago
*using "distance-weighted average remapping" (remapdis)... (no "either")
PS: I am actually not too picky about the type of interpolation, the main thing I want is to be able to consider a radius of influence (or target area size or number of neighbor points) without using missing values.