


strange results from eca_r75p, eca_r95p, and eca_r99p

Added by Andrew Eichmann over 9 years ago


After generating precipitation percentiles using eca_r75p, eca_r95p, and eca_r99p using a 30 year reference period, a time series of the global gridpoint mean value of the results (generated per month) shows big jumps before and after the reference period. This is consistent for all three percentile values. This is a typical command:

cdo eca_r99p -selvar,prectot -selmon,10 -selyear,2014 ../ -selvar,prectot -selmon,10 -selyear,2010 ../

Is there some obvious error in processing that this would reflect, and is there some suite of testing data we could use to confirm what we're doing?

Thank you