


cdo gendis details

Added by Letizia Lusito over 9 years ago

Dear all,
I am using the operator gendis to get some weights to be applied later for an interpolation from a curvilinear to regular grid.

I read on the scrip user guide that the equivalent scrip operator:
Distance-weighted averaging: Inverse-distance-weighted average of a user-specified number of nearest neighbor values.
can be configured with a user-specified number of nn values.
Can this be done also in CDO or the number (4 if I am correct) is fixed.


Replies (1)

RE: cdo gendis details - Added by Uwe Schulzweida over 9 years ago

Dear Letizia,

The CDO operator gendis uses a fixed number of 4 neighbors.

Cheers, Uwe
