


Read SIS data from CM SAF

Added by Nicola Di Matteo almost 10 years ago

I'm new on cdo and, I'm sorry, I'm not a meteorologist, but just a computer scientist...
For a project I'm involved, I need the monthly radiation data from satellite and I've got SIS product this from CM SAF.
Now I'm trying to read them.
After downloaded the SIS product from them,
I have done

cdo mergetime *.nc ..\

to Combine multiple time steps into

and then

cdo -remapbil,lon=0_lat=51

to retrive the radiations data of London.

The produced file is very little (5.7 kB) and looks doesn't have any data inside.

I'm running cdo on linux and I don't have any error message. Maybe I'm not using the right parameters?

How can I do to retrive the data for a specific location?

Many thanks for your help.


Replies (2)

RE: Read SIS data from CM SAF - Added by Joerg Trentmann almost 10 years ago

Dear Nicola,

could you provide the output file of the remapbil-operator, i.e,


RE: Read SIS data from CM SAF - Added by Nicola Di Matteo almost 10 years ago

Many thanks for the answer.

I have double checked again and found that the original data was corrupted.
After downloaded them again, with ftp, all is working.

So just I can confirm that on linux with all works perfect :)
