


any operation on grib file returns segmentation fault

Added by Anwar Al Shami about 10 years ago

I am trying to convert grib file (attached) to nc using cdo, but i receive a segmentation fault (core dumped ) on all operations crried out on this file (even show format). the grib is downloaded directly from the MARS server and is readable by other commands (tried grib_ls from the GRIB-API package it worked).

Replies (1)

RE: any operation on grib file returns segmentation fault - Added by Jaison-Thomas Ambadan about 10 years ago


the file convertion works perfectly fine using the latest stable version of CDO (v1.6.7)

cdo -f nc -copy mars-web227-20150225173706-8255-16461.grib

Please post the output of "cdo -V". It may help the CDO developers to fix the problem if there is any.

You could use GRIP_API tool grib_to_netcdf to convert to NetCDF

grib_to_netcdf -D NC_DOUBLE mars-web227-20150225173706-8255-16461.grib -o