CDO convert nc to grib problem
Added by Jianfei Wu about 10 years ago
I tried to use CDO to convert cam output data (netcdf files) to grib1. It works for the data whose pressure level is under 1 mb, but when I tried to convert a higher level data (for example, 0.1 mb),
I use
cdo -f grb -setcode,7 -setltype,100 -settabnum,130 "+odir+"grib/ "+odir+"grib/split_UU.grib"
But I got the grib1 file with the level code 99 not expected to 100. the level of data in grib1 files below 1 mb is 100 and higher than 1 mb become 99
The g1print.exe print the file like:
rec GRIB GRIB Lvl Lvl Lvl Time Fcst
Num Code name Code one two hour
1 7 100 1000 0 0001-02-04_00:00 + 00
56 7 99 80 0 0001-02-04_00:00 + 00
Any help is greatly appreciated thank you