problem converting GrADs ctl to netcdf JRA-55, Open Error: Unknown keyword in description file
Added by Martin Jury about 10 years ago
Dear cdo team,
I am having problems converting a GrADs ctl file to netcdf and was hoping you can help me. Input data are multiple grb files from the Japanese Reanalysis JRA-55.
Any help would be highly appreciated.
Cheers Martin
I have copied the command, ctl-file and the error message below:
cdo -f nc import_binary anl_surf125.monthly.ctl
Open Error: Unknown keyword in description file
--> The invalid description file record is:
--> index ^anl_surf125.monthly.idx
The data file was not opened.
cdo import_binary (Abort): Open failed!
less anl_surf125.monthly.ctl
dset ^anl_surf125.%y4%m2
index ^anl_surf125.monthly.idx
undef 9.999E+20
title anl_surf125
* produced by grib2ctl v0.9.12.5p41
dtype grib 255
options yrev template
ydef 145 linear -90.000000 1.25
xdef 288 linear 0.000000 1.250000
tdef 684 linear 00Z01Jan1958 1mo
zdef 1 linear 1 1
vars 9
DEPR2m 0 18,105,2 * 2 m above ground Dew-point depression [K]
POTsfc 0 13,1,0 * surface Potential temperature [K]
PRESsfc 0 1,1,0 * surface Pressure [Pa]
PRMSLmsl 0 2,102,0 * mean-sea level Pressure reduced to MSL [Pa]
RH2m 0 52,105,2 * 2 m above ground Relative humidity [%]
SPFH2m 0 51,105,2 * 2 m above ground Specific humidity [kg/kg]
TMP2m 0 11,105,2 * 2 m above ground Temperature [K]
UGRD10m 0 33,105,10 * 10 m above ground u-component of wind [m/s]
VGRD10m 0 34,105,10 ** 10 m above ground v-component of wind [m/s]
Replies (3)
RE: problem converting GrADs ctl to netcdf JRA-55, Open Error: Unknown keyword in description file - Added by Guillermo Duran almost 7 years ago
Hi Martin,
I'm curious if you were able to solve this issue.
I'm having the exact same error using a different dataset. I'm able to open the files in GRADS but when I try to convert them to netcdf using cdo:
cdo -f nc import_binary r_pgb.ctl
I get this:
Open Error: Unknown keyword in description file
--> The invalid description file record is:
--> index ^r_pgb.idx
The data file was not opened.
Any clue of what can be the problem?
RE: problem converting GrADs ctl to netcdf JRA-55, Open Error: Unknown keyword in description file - Added by Uwe Schulzweida almost 7 years ago
CDO supports only the following components of a GrADS control file:
BYTESWAPPED, CHSUB, DSET, ENDVARS, FILEHEADER, HEADERBYTES, OPTIONS, TDEF, TITLE, TRAILERBYTES, UNDEF, VARS, XDEF, XYHEADER, YDEF, ZDEFThe INDEX component is not supported! As far as I know the INDEX component is needed for GRIB files. The GRIB format is also not supported by this operator! import_binary was implemented only for binary data.
Here is an example to convert GRIB data to NetCDF with CDO:
cdo -f nc copy file.grb
RE: problem converting GrADs ctl to netcdf JRA-55, Open Error: Unknown keyword in description file - Added by Layla Smith almost 3 years ago
Uwe Schulzweida, I have been having the same issues as the other users when downloading JRA-55 data. I understand that import_binary does not support GRIB format, but do you know if there is an operator that does support it? I cannot simply convert the GRIB file to a NetCDF using that cdo command because the GRIB file is stored inside a DAT file.