Error (varAddRecord) : horizontal grid must not change for same param!
Added by Peter Dueben over 10 years ago
Hi all,
I am trying to run the OpenIFS model in single precision and not with the default double precision. In theory, this should not influence the grib output that I am using. However, I get an error message when transforming output with multiple vertical levels from the reduced Gaussian grids to a regular Gaussian grids:
$ cdo -R copy ICMGGfqaf+000036 ICMGGfqaf+000036_GG
varAddRecord : param = 131.128 gridID = 30
Error (varAddRecord) : horizontal grid must not change for same param!
I do not get the error for output of the single precision version with only one vertical layer, and I do not get the error when using double precision and multiple layers. Does anyone know what could be the reason for this error?
Many thanks!
All the best,
Replies (1)
RE: Error (varAddRecord) : horizontal grid must not change for same param! - Added by Uwe Schulzweida over 10 years ago
Hi Peter,
The error message means that the description of the horizontal grid differ between different GRIB records of the same variable. The variable has probably the grib code number 131. Could you please give me access to this file? Then I can try to find out whether this is a CDO internal problem or not.