


Transformation from lat-lon to LCC

Added by John Martinez over 10 years ago


I'm trying to interpolate some data from a lat-lon projection to a Lambert Conformal Conic (lcc) projection. I'm using the command:

cdo -f grb remapbil,gridSAlcc3.txt -setgrid,grideraiNorthInv.txt erai_geoYlandsea_SA_inv.grib erai_geoYlandsea_SA_lcc.grib

where gridSAlcc3.txt is:

  1. gridID 0 #
    gridtype = lcc
    gridsize = 7990
    xsize = 85
    ysize = 94
    originLon = -90.0
    originLat = 0.0
    lonParY = -60
    lat1 = 5
    lat2 = 42
    xinc = 91202.7
    yinc = 91202.7
    projection = north

and grideraiNorthInv.txt is:

  1. gridID 0 #
    gridtype = lonlat
    gridsize = 7938
    xname = longitude
    xlongname = longitude
    xunits = degrees_east
    yname = latitude
    ylongname = latitude
    yunits = degrees_north
    xsize = 81
    ysize = 98
    xfirst = -90
    xinc = 0.75
    yfirst = -57.75
    yinc = 0.75

My input data covers latitudes on both hemispheres. My problem is that the output file only contains data for the northern hemisphere: all the data south of the equator is lost. I also tried by setting "projection = southpole" for the target grid, but the result is the same as before.
How can I get the right transformation? I'm attaching my working files. I will appreciate any comments on this issue.

Best regards,


erai_geoYlandsea_SA_inv.grib (31.2 KB) erai_geoYlandsea_SA_inv.grib Input data in lat-lon projection
erai_geoYlandsea_SA_lcc.grib (6.61 KB) erai_geoYlandsea_SA_lcc.grib Output file from remapbil
gridSAlcc3.txt (218 Bytes) gridSAlcc3.txt Target grid, Lambert Conformal Conic
grideraiNorthInv.txt (287 Bytes) grideraiNorthInv.txt Source grid, lat-lon
erai_SA_lcc_lsm.000001.png (69.2 KB) erai_SA_lcc_lsm.000001.png Plot of results